快好知 kuaihz

61. One involves craftsmen, operating on a small scale, producing custom-made or individual products such as quality pottery or fine furniture. 62. Island craftsmen make everything from leather goods and raffia to local pottery and beautiful hand-made jewellery using the famous Majorcan pearls. 63. Such a wage would have been comparable to or even slightly better than that paid to other craftsmen in the area. 64. Bespoke shopkeepers, celebrated chefs, jewellers, craftsmen and artists arrived to cater for exclusive tastes. 65. There is an interesting story about Steinway craftsmen. 66. Craftsmen are passionate about quality, but often insufficiently ambitious. 67. Lod , and Ono , the valley of craftsmen. 68. A highway passed through the village to the great temple of Jagannath at Puri, and the villagers, most of whom were farmers and craftsmen, entertained many passing holy men and pilgrims. 69. A very significant proportion of contemporary Americans are descendants of small merchants, craftsmen, and professional people. 70. The overall average daily wage was $ 340, or $ 8,560 per month, for these craftsmen and operatives. 71. The people of Hida were unable to pay their taxes in the customary form of rice, and so they gave what they could provide—their craftsmen. 72. The Korean craftsmen took this artistic skill with them into Japan. 73. Some went as mercenary soldiers , others as merchants or craftsmen, some in organized groups , others singly. 74. The old craftsmen often make use of ox stone, fish fin and boxwood to form the pattern and lay into the furniture of mahogany and rose wood. 75. The scholars deem that some of the Shang elite and craftsmen may have fled to the New World and that that is the reason of the Olmec's sudden mastery of their skills. 76. Qing Dynasty is the height of the development of Chinese blue and white porcelain, ceramic history of the Golden Age, all with special skills WARE Jingdezhen craftsmen gathered. 77. Haitong first asked the craftsmen to make a small sample statue of Maitreya. 78. Like all craftsmen, hackers like good tools . Infact , that's an understatement. 79. Their unique architectural style is a reinterpretation of European Baroque by Chinese and Philippine craftsmen. 80. The men who make it are craftsmen: the millwright, the watchmaker, the canal builder, and the blacksmith. 81. The men who make it are craftsmen: the millwright, the watchmaker , the canal builder, the blacksmith. 82. He thinks that technical making consists in two processes, a process which the god creates "eidos" of artifacts, and another process which craftsmen watch "eidos" to make concrete artifacts. 83. The Korean craftsmen took this artistic skill with them to Japan. 84. Since then, Cremona violin making has gone from strength to strength, new master craftsmen have been schooled and fresh workshops established. 85. In 1789, Christina VII of Denmark set all the best craftsmen of the kingdom to work to create this collection in order to give it as a present to Catherine II of Ru ia . 86. The carpenter's square has made the work of craftsmen more convenient. 87. In average, due to the small scale in refurbishment project, the complex types of workers and materials as well as the unstable housing refurbishment quantity, it is easy to let craftsmen lie idle. 88. A silversmith named Demetrius, who made silver shrines of no little business for the craftsmen. 89. Ru craftsmen to precious agate into glaze, firing of a "green, such as days, facial jade, onion skin pattern, Morningstar rare, sesame sticks nail enamel to meet the" typical characteristics of Ru. 90. He had grown used to flying from place to place, giving mother-of-pearl gifts made by Palestinian craftsmen to world leaders and appearing on television with them.