快好知 kuaihz

1 He presents his own highbrow literary programme. 2 It's better for you to highbrow her, but you have to read these two books beforehand. 3 Highbrow critics sniff that the programme was "too sophisticated" to appeal to most viewers. 4 The usual metropolitan and highbrow bias can be discerned. 5 The highbrow national monthly published his musings in the spring. 6 Surprisingly, readers of the highbrow press found their papers scarcely any more useful than readers of the lowbrow press. 7 Her language may be a bit highbrow, but it strikes a chord with many of Britain's state school heads. 8 This leaves him precariously balancing his highbrow and lowbrow selves. 9 The Third was a highbrow station, with a tiny proportion of the audience. 10 Highbrow sources were clearly much more attractive to people who were particularly interested in politics. 11 Highbrow publishers and small bookshops are the most resolute opponents. 12 But seriously, you say, how highbrow can tequila really get? 13 Not everyone can enjoy highbrow art and literature. 14 We had a highbrow discussion on classical music. 15 The professor was a highbrow from the local college. 16 He writes a couple of highbrow books about yuppies and faggots. 17 What appeals to me in the highbrow papers are the books and film reviews. 18 Highbrow and popular culture meet at the Tennispalatsi with its museums and movie theaters. 19 The guest speaker was a highbrow Professor from the local college. 20 Tones are continuously changing from the highbrow to the common. 21 Many of your readers, including so - called highbrow critics, have repeatedly subjected your books to negative readings. 22 The highbrow Le Monde dismissed it as a vacuous gigantic stewpot. 23 A highbrow is the kind of person who looks at a sausage and thinks of Picasso. 24 Readers of tabloid newspapers are less interested in politics and less likely to tune into highbrow news programmes. 25 He picked up a book on the floor... something highbrow. 26 He picked up a book that was lying on the floor. It was something highbrow - Kafka, I think. 27 However to major medium and small businesses character, establishing professional team is highbrow apparently. 28 Sir Monty has written a popular appreciation of Rembrandt which Howard Belsey, himself an art historian, though of a more highbrow bent, has denounced for its retrogressive stance. 29 So far, housing secondary market started more than five months, through the secondary mortgage transactions very little room, in the financial lending business is a bit "too highbrow". 30 On the other hand , as a intellectual, he uses sapiential discourse to represent highbrow character.