consumed造句(91) Those, in concert with fiery remains of the ships and tanks, consumed the airship in a sun-like conflagration.
(92) If Cassie had not been so consumed by rage, she would have laughed at this last and patently childish remark.
(93) During the summer term the man had consumed about twenty pints of Young's Special a week.
(94) His whole being had been consumed by a passionate longing to return.
(95) Where the consumed tentacle had rested a mist seemed to be congealing out of nothing as though the hydra was already replenishing itself.
(96) Fortunately, even flawed loaves are usually delicious and can often be consumed with great joy.
(97) Peter became consumed by devotion to his new master and had time for little else.
(98) Vast quantities of food and drink were consumed at the wedding.
(99) She slipped them rapidly into the hot mouth where they were instantly consumed in a shower of Sparks.
(100) Whether consumed in the form of beer, wine or spirits, alcoholic beverages give pleasure to many millions.
(101) This becomes evident when consideration is given to the processes by which these styles are produced and consumed.
(102) Faster than new crust can be added to the plate, old crust is being consumed by the trench.
(103) The second question is whether counsellees want to give up drinking, or at least to reduce the amount consumed.
(104) Other companies are also looking for ways to reduce the amount of energy consumed in the major processes for making polymers.
(105) Once it has been consumed, the Darwinian machine comes to a stop.
(106) It is exclusively produced in tropical countries and mostly consumed in the industrialized North.
(107) I had met Hugo at a party and unforeseen and overwhelming emotions had consumed me.
(108) The discipline is the only means by which these forces are consumed and thus destroyed.
(109) Found very good accommodation - good dinner and several beers consumed.
(110) During the course of the four hours, twenty-four cups of coffee were consumed and any amount of light snacks.
(111) But the last unspoken question consumed her with fresh guilt.
(112) They're born to be automatons, consumed by baubles and gimmicks.
(113) And it's more fun now than when we were consumed by white-hot passion.
(113) Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
(114) Half of the latter was sent each year direct to the abbey at Battle, the rest consumed on the manor.
(115) These public goods can only be produced and consumed economically on a collective basis.
(116) The weeks were consumed by long talks as well as visits to lawyers, accountants, insurance adjusters, bankers, doctors.
(117) Whether the abandoned innards, which are consumed by coyotes and ravens, harbor the disease is hotly debated.
(118) The more sophisticated variants on zonal systems, which change by time consumed or distance travelled, have far greater possibilities.
(119) In a second the ball of flame had fallen and rolled into the dust, quivering as the flames consumed it.
(120) In ecosystems, plants are consumed by herbivores, which are in turn consumed by carnivores.