profitability造句31. A highlight of this performance was the contribution of the Marquis brand to the improvement in Waterford Crystal's operational profitability.
32. The boom years of the 1980s, however, have seen private-sector profitability soar.
33. It hopes these measures will return it to profitability by the second quarter of 1993.
34. The ratings agency cited the increased business risk profile of the company, which has reduced profitability.
35. He said that Riddle's business was a sound concern with a steadily rising turnover and increasing profitability.
36. One must also be able to identify which firms offer the best prospects for increasing productivity, profitability, and expansion.
37. So governments faced strong pressure to offset the adverse effects of wage explosions on profitability by facilitating a rapid expansion of credit.
38. In most cases, the project with the highest profitability index would be selected.
39. Assets are imperfect substitutes because they possess different characteristics with respect to liquidity, marketability and profitability.
40. Each would prepare a business plan that included sales projections, budget requirements, and net profitability.
41. So the level of investment depends on expectations about future profitability.
42. Corporations involved in the escalating race to acquire media properties seek not only expanded profitability but also increasing influence.
43. Those ill thought out policies would add massively to the burden on employers and reduce profitability and employment.
44. In the 1970s, when declining profitability caused plant closures in the industrialized North, they constituted cheap labour for richer countries.
45. So reaching profitability, even if it came with an asterisk, was a major milestone.
46. Like Kimpton, Conley believes that the small tightly run hotel is often the better route to profitability.
47. On balance contestability has increased, partly explaining the decline in profitability.
48. Sticking with an employee who breaks his little toe is one thing; keeping timeservers who endanger profitability is another.
49. A less noticeable but ultimately more crucial problem was a general decline in profitability.
50. Profitability ratios are very encouraging, with both the overall level and trend of earnings looking positive.
51. Integrated business units have been established, each accountable for manufacturing, sales, technical service, profitability and cash flow.
52. Subsequently, the company agreed to independent auditing and has returned to profitability.
53. Worried men Operating margins have increased to 30% or so, putting garbage up with pharmaceuticals in terms of profitability.
54. Profitability is the major aim of banks and most other financial institutions.
55. Indeed, the investment of the premiums from their general insurance business has made significant contributions to their overall profitability.
56. The company expects a growth in profitability over a longer period.
57. Establishing or changing an existing credit policy requires analyzing the relationship of these costs to the profitability of the firm.
58. The fee basis for unsuccessful claims can often be extremely meagre as can profitability in general for a significant proportion of the work.
59. Msjor areas of emphasis include profitability, liquidity, operating efficiency, and capital structure.
60. Funeral directors are also responsible for the success and the profitability of their businesses.