快好知 kuaihz

turning point造句
(1) This win could prove to be a historic turning point in the fortunes of the team. (2) The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt. (3) His induction as a teacher was a turning point in his life. (4) The promotion marked a turning point in her career. (5) It was a turning point in his career. (6) That game was a turning point for the team. (7) Meeting her was the turning point in my life. (8) The process of disarmament is at a crucial turning point. (9) The mid-sixties were a turning point in sports car design. (10) The industrial revolution was a major historical turning point . (11) The turning point in her political career came when she was chosen to fight a crucial by-election. (12) The turning point came when reinforcements arrived from the south. (13) In 1914 the world reached a turning point in its history. (14) The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career. (15) This proved to be the turning point of the game. (16) Her latest novel marks a turning point in her development as a writer. (17) The battle was a turning point in Northumbrian fortunes. (18) It was a turning point in Pat McCluskey's career. (19) This is a major blow, perhaps a turning point. (20) Now it finds itself at a turning point. (21) It was a historic turning point. (22) It was to be something of a turning point. (23) The year 1949 was his turning point. (24) The turning point into a new year was a thoughtful time, when one weighed the past against what lay ahead. (25) You certainly appear to have reached a major turning point in your career and must now think about severing unprofitable ties. (26) Turning point; and the world was about to tumble down around our ears. (27) The vote yesterday appears to mark something of a turning point in the war. (28) ASH, the anti-smoking group, called the new regulations a turning point in the campaign against smoking. (29) Denis Healey's acceptance of International Monetary Fund-imposed cuts in public expenditure in 1976 was the turning point. (30) I am saying, however, that Macintosh was the crucial step, the turning point.