generating造句91. Tivoli isn't looking for any more investors and should soon start generating cash.
92. Will the Labour party shut down the new gas-fired generating stations, break those contracts and lay off the men?
93. Here, we have approached this problem by using an efficient in vitro method for generating mutations at defined regions.
94. The general idea behind them was that they would provide a setting for vigorous entrepreneurs, capable of generating an industrial renaissance.
95. There are, of course, profound disagreements between Marxist and elite writers as to the causal factors generating this phenomena.
96. Modular, diverse and dispersed small-scale generating facilities using local renewable energy sources would support the local network.
97. The first point is that generating letters and updating records must be combined into a single operation.
98. Beck was not proposing public ownership of the generating plants, but he did want the province to build the transmission lines.
99. These strange and beautiful candlesticks balance motionlessly on their needle-sharp points, generating excitement by the very fragility of their inertia.
100. Between 1952 and 1981 electricity generating capacity grew by over 14% per year.
101. This is a highly effective method of generating prospects and, yet, tends to be under-used by many.
102. Our apartment was generating serious energy, shifting from its usual somnambulism to a flushed and slightly kinetic mode.
103. He subsequently offered to supply free electricity to Czechoslovakia to compensate for the loss of generating capacity from the plant.
104. Looks at how the supply can be maximised through the existing system of planning gain and by generating income through stock transfer.
105. Because some one told you something and your imagination got to work, generating negative thoughts and images that gripped you.
106. An engineer may be well versed in the technique of value engineering; it includes methods of generating the creative discontinuity.
107. Simple sieving, on its own, is obviously nowhere near capable of generating the amount of order in a living thing.
108. We have a better opportunity for generating progressive, democratic change than at any time during the past 50 years.
109. After a little while, cross the Ribeira dos Socorridos and reach the main electricity generating station in the island.
110. These sites currently have over 600,000 unique users driving over 14 million monthly page impressions and generating annualised revenues of £1.6million.
111. Despite problems filling up the office building, the entire deal is already generating a positive return.
112. The total cost to the electricity generating industry, it said, would be £6 billion over the next 10 years.
113. Such a decline in forecasts of demand inevitably has a devastating impact on the need for new generating capacity.
114. The power station plans to invest about $ 150 million over the next few years to replace generating units.
115. Results and Discussion Two basic approaches can be followed when using long-term laboratory heating experiments to investigate the generating potential of coals.
116. A real target ship was generating the data.
117. Facebook's facial recognition technology works by generating a biometric signature for users who are tagged in photos on Facebook, i.e. using "summary data" from "photo comparisons."
118. The generating unit is started , using auxiliary power from the start - up source.
119. This paper introduces the method of online performance analysis of generating units used in the optimal operating management, which is called Heat Deviation Analysis(HDA).
120. Designing the scenario generating system. The scenario generating system is composed of equipment model, cognitive model, message model and environment model.