devising造句1. They are devising a road system.
2. He's good at devising language games that you can play with students in class.
3. He is devising how to do that thing.
4. The government is devising a plan to liberate prisoners held in detention camps.
5. You need a flexible approach in devising your ground plan for bargaining.
6. Devising an evocative name is only the first hurdle.
7. Many states are devising programs with even tougher restrictions.
8. You need a flexible and adaptive approach in devising your ground plan for bargaining.
9. Researching and devising a strategy to build a smaller, smarter civil service is much, much harder work.
10. Difficulty of devising a structure that will stand firm yet will not be over-heavy, he wrote.
11. They were devising a sea shell that would explode when he went swimming.
12. Balancing these extremes and devising a general rule is therefore difficult, both in the LFAs and elsewhere.
13. Perhaps the major problem in devising a special classification scheme is the definition of the subject area to be covered.
14. The auditors' role is to direct the attention of those responsible for devising and initiating policy.
15. My problem in Dalmellington was not so much getting a drink, but in actually devising a means of drinking it.
16. The uncontrolled increase in the number of authors might be remediable to some extent by journals devising a collective policy.
17. Staff will probably spend increasing amounts of time on devising simulations and developing assignments.
18. Phone company representatives said they are willing to work with the county on devising the new laws.
19. Since the 1830s, various inventors, even Alexander Graham Bell, had tinkered with devising some kind of external respiration.
20. He seems at times to be reassuring himself of his grip upon a world of his own devising.
21. At Level One students are given a high degree of support and supervision when devising and implementing a programme of activities.
22. It is true also that the most recent judicial statements afford considerable latitude to the public authority in devising its own procedures.
23. Sutherland had achieved canonical status in the field by devising a computer program called Sketchpad.
24. Only after we understood the connection between smoking and disease could we begin devising ways to induce people to quit.http://
25. As a result, their efforts were diverted more towards devising non-custodial alternatives than facing up to the intractable problems of institutional confinement.
26. In past centuries these led to considerable artistry in the devising of labyrinths and mazes.
27. Our responsibility is to filter information so that we do not over-influence the situation and create self-fulfilling prophecies of our own devising.
28. As chairman you are responsible for calling the meeting, holding it together, and devising an effective way of working.
29. Imaginatively, however, negative moves of this kind have to be completed by devising new pictures to replace the old ones.
30. When my children draw, as when they build with Legos or blocks, they are usually devising worlds and stories.