快好知 kuaihz

1, The stewed apple was sour even with honey. 2, Add some sugar to the stewed apple?it's still a bit tart. 3, They all stewed in the boxcar. 4, He stewed about my coming. 5, Steak pies, with baked potatoes and stewed applies. 6, These fritters are especially delicious with stewed prunes with orange juice as an accompaniment, if desired. 7, They roasted and stewed and fried the meats and served them with traditional staples made from corn or flour. 8, The smell of stewed eels streams from a steaming vat into the busy street. 9, Had they stewed up a supper of some giant arachnid for Tundrish? 10, Every morning she stewed the tea and rolled the lid off a tin of meat. 11, Use a pint of stewed apple instead of water when making apricot jelly. 12, Suits with bittersweet sauce, kidney, pheasant stewed chicken. 13, Ideal braised beef - brisket or stewed abalone. 14, Make a flavoursome dish of stewed ribs! 15, Everyone got stewed at the New Year's Eve party. 16, Guest : Waiter, I'd like Stewed Codfish. 17, stewed pork with dry vegetable. 18, She nervously pushed away her cake and stewed apricots. 19, I stewed the meat and vegetables in the pot. 20, I cooked the stewed chicken and mushroom for her. 21, The blackberries were a bit too tart on their own, so we stewed them gently with some apples. 22, Grandma Clegg made wait-and-see pudding, though it was always exactly the same - stewed apple with soggy meringue on top. 23, Younger hares take well to marinating and roasting rare; older ones need to be braised or stewed. 24, Sunday dinner was always a special one, culminating in Auntie's home-grown fruit, stewed and covered in thick Cornish cream. 25, Toucans sit in cages and aluminum pots steam with hot food, stewed beef and chicken or sausage and potatoes. 26, Light beer and vodka were followed by a simple but nourishing meal of stewed meat and boiled potatoes, preceded by borscht. 27, At seven-thirty an officer brought in a tray with a bowl of semolina mixed with stewed dry fruit. 28, ' First thing you know, we'd all be eating stewed chickweed and acorns. 29, Dried fruits such as prunes, pears, and peaches, are stewed. 30, If you want to eat like a Pilgrim yourself, try some of the Plimoth Plantation's recipes, including stewed pompion (pumpkin) or traditional Wampanoag succotash.