choosing造句181. In a nutshell, be sure of your requirements before choosing a printer.
182. Even affluent blacks are choosing to live together rather than move into predominantly white suburbs.
183. He surprised everybody by choosing a 7 foot gauge to increase capacity and improve the ride.
184. Leopards are by no means always so ambitious in choosing their victims.
185. Conflicts are resolved by choosing a rule instance which refers to the most recently created quantity.
186. The following are some selection criteria to be used in evaluating and choosing ISPs.
187. What do you compare when choosing whether to jump into the teacup?
188. Experience the luxury of truly choosing your own menus, your own destination, your own way of life.
189. The Tories have also put on their blinkers, choosing fewer candidates from working-class origin and fewer Etonians.
190. Ignore anyone who tries to convince you that either option is without flaw or would deride you for choosing either.
191. Setting the two filter angles corresponds to choosing spots to rub off.
192. As soon as the incident was reported in the paper, a lot of people began choosing sides.
193. The process of choosing a best rule is called conflict resolution.
194. Joanne Tearle finds that the blue chip loan comes in many guises and choosing one may be your greatest problem.
195. Mr Bush was also said to be leaning towards choosing deputies for both the Defence department and the State department.
196. A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.Hunter S. Thompson
197. The hens also appeared to be very consistent in their decisions, with individual birds choosing the same nest day after day.
198. Women choosing surgery had significantly reduced levels of anxiety while those who declined had no such reduction.
199. Daedalus is choosing his solvents such that nylon is preferentially permeable to the one outside.
200. You will be choosing the organization and then selling yourself to them, rather than relying solely upon answering newspaper advertisements.
201. Instead of red convertibles and toupees, they are choosing a new perspective, one that values life over lifestyle.
202. The officer asked it a second time, choosing different words, and exchanged a smile with the younger officer.
203. Given that people had no rational basis for choosing among candidates, it was scarcely surprising they used one they deemed natural.
204. The Nobel committee aimed well in choosing the anti-land mine campaigners for the prestigious award.
205. When he published a small booklet last year offering advice on choosing a last name, it sold out immediately.
206. Given the rise in Berlin property prices, choosing a site is as important as getting major funding.
207. It will bring greater clarity into choosing how to spend public money on health.
208. Kirov sorted through the photographs, choosing two or three which seemed to most suit his purpose.
209. There was very little discussion and no disagreement about choosing this priority.
210. Often the deciding factor when choosing whether to take a lump sum is the problem of investing it.