rascal造句31. Don't let the rascal escape.
32. He was quoted as being a bloodthirsty rascal.
33. That socialite a rascal at heart.
34. An unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person a scoundrel or rascal.
35. The wrathful crowd surged forward. The rascal backed away in fear.
36. I suppose you believe I am a grand old rascal.
37. Flatter a rascal, the will cudgel you; cudgel a rascal he will lick your boots.
38. The policeman used his baton to battle with the rascal.
39. Keep an eye on that rascal. Don't let him run away.
40. You selfish rascal, did I get anything to eat in your dream? "
41. Someone wrote letter to tell bishop that Nebulas Flacon was a koradji and rascal. They wanted to evict him out of the Vyborg City.
42. We will enjoy together of looking at the Korean unlucky bear and the rascal Rabbit, although N times, still knowing cachinnation . Then learn how they walk, again cachinnation .
43. I know my junior fellow apprentice well. He looks like a rascal, very vulgar, but actually he is high-hearted than anyone. He stresses much on personal loyalty and principle.
44. Round and round the ruffed rock the ragged rascal ran.
45. If they hadn't held him back, he would have beaten the rascal soundly.
46. Hooligan rascal consciousness, has centuries-old sparkplug generational feudal smallholder economic base, has vasty colony base and long thought base, and that reflect auctorial intention.
47. Though I have been always a blockhead, I have not been always a rascal.
48. Rascal Cai is acknowledged flagman of network literature, his position in the network literature field is very important.
49. Teacher's silent half point at me and lambaste after ring:You are a smelly rascal!
50. This rascal had the sassiest bride of any ensign in the old division.
51. He was so infuriated that without a word he let into the rascal.
52. View sound:You think I so pain come here is for letting so many people see rare strange?BE for the sake of your this conscienceless rascal!
53. The rascal tried to make away with the evidence of his guilt.