快好知 kuaihz

121. I rolled a ball across the carpet. 122. The boy rolled his eyes in amazement. 123. His eyes rolled strangely/He rolled his eyes strangely. 124. The hedgehog rolled up into a spiky ball. 125. After the speech,he rolled out in his car. 126. He rolled the clay into a ball. 127. The drunkard rolled up to me. 128. We rolled out our sleeping bags under the stars. 129. They rolled out the new carpet. 130. A black car rolled down the hill. 131. His eyes rolled strangely at me. 132. They rolled in pissed at three in the morning. 133. The car rolled over the edge of the cliff. 134. The children rolled down the hill, laughing. 134.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 135. He rolled the sheet round her. 136. Bill finally rolled up two hours late. 137. The ball rolled across the immaculately manicured lawn. 138. She rolled her eyes in sheer exasperation. 139. The children rolled down the grassy bank. 140. The ball rolled into the net. 141. Mist rolled in from the sea. 142. The years rolled on, but she didn't come back. 143. Shopkeepers expertly rolled spices up in bay leaves. 144. The sea was rough and the ship pitched and rolled all night. 145. Many years have rolled by since I last sat talking to her. 146. He rolled up his trouser legs and waded out into the stream. 147. He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella. 148. The ball hit the wall and rolled along the road. 149. The drums rolled as the acrobat walked along the tightrope. 150. She was a good teacher and a famous writer rolled into one.