sounding造句151. If you're looking for a relatively neutral sounding IEM with incredible detail the RE-272 are for you.
152. The lack fidelity of the slant range on ground layer exists in progress of using the L wave band meteorological sounding system because of the situation which is distorted the ground echo influence.
153. If you are trying to think of new ideas, corral your pal as a sounding board.
154. This interpretation program is suitable not only to the electric sounding curves whose slopes are between -1 and 1 but also to those whose slopes are lower than -1 or higher than 1.
155. The undulation shape of inversion interface can be correlated to that of sounding data at known borehole, the average depth error being 10%, and the minimum depth error being 2% only.
156. Call me when the fog set in. Sound regulation whistle, attend to echo sounding and start radar at an interval not more than 20 minutes.
157. The sounding pipe in No.1 top side tank ( port side ) to be renewed, dia . Approx .50 mm.
158. And, at the risk of sounding parochial, adopt a capital regime similar to the Canadian system.
159. The US census bureau has led the way in sounding the alarm over the changes.
160. On the basis of the data acquired by sounding balloon, the influence of the atmospheric model on the calculation of atmospheric refraction was discussed.
161. According to ionospheric oblique backscattering sounding system's characteristics, the paper designed the signal source module which based on VXIbus and realized it with FPGA and DigitalUp Converter.
162. All these definitions, while sounding impressive, do not stand up under close scrutiny.
163. Adding to the surreal atmosphere in Harrisburg that day was the sounding of an air raid siren that rang out through the capital city.
164. With the development of numerical model, more attention is paid to the error caused by sounding balloon floating.
165. Wade is not sounding worried about what the coming weeks and months may bring. He's too busy right now to be caught up in speculation, anyway.
166. Pulp, boxes , frames , general construction , woodwoking ( flooring, siding , ceiling, doors , blinds , etc. ) , airplanes, musical istruments ( especially sounding boards of pianos ), cabinets , ships ,[www.] ...
167. Raise a song, strike the timbrel, The sweet sounding lyre with the harp.
168. Sounding a bit like an avuncular television host, the visibly relaxed president asked some two dozen children, age six to 11, at the Boys and Girls Club what they wanted for Christmas.
169. You may well be right but sounding self-righteous can be a danger.
170. These connect (via an adaptor, naturally) to the more touchy-feely sounding US and European-built modules Unity, Destiny and Harmony.
171. Acoustic velocity is an important bathymetric parameter for the multibeam sounding system.
172. Just listening, and as a sounding board, may help this young women find her own solutions.
173. Chief mate, I want to check the sounding and bottom water in 1 C with MMC.
174. I don't believe that, Padme. You're sounding like a separatist!
175. The use of a high-accuracy DGPS is the premise for getting the high-accuracy bathymetric data by multibeam echo sounding.
176. I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
177. Chief mate, too much remaining in 3 C , I want to take sounding with oil stick.
178. Visiting gentleman report sounding possibility of joint undertaking with our rival house comment immediately.
179. In short, the Romish church told all of these pagan cultures, "Bring your gods, goddesses, rituals and rites, and we will assign Christian sounding titles and names to them."
180. Muslims all over the world witnessed the suffering of their brothers and sisters," he says, sounding very much like a modern-day jihadi.