one way造句151. Now times are hard and selling the family silver is one way of keeping Harcourt Manor in good condition.
152. Improvements to public infrastructure is one way of making depressed areas more attractive to private industry.
153. One way of thinking of spin is to imagine the particles as little tops spinning about an axis.
154. It was only to be expected that the contestants would take note of this background information, in one way or another.
155. If more than one way applies, you are eligible for the benefits that are the most generous. 1.
156. Realistically, she thought, there's only one way to avoid a diet of non-stop cabbage - or worse.
157. The particular characteristics chosen above to characterise television and print-on-paper media, are one way of seeing their utilities.
158. Dishonesty is always one way of climbing the ladder of success, but dishonest intentions and manipulations are more prone to fail.Dr T.P.Chia
159. There's more than one way to kill a cat ....
160. There's only one way you can cripple a bad scientist, and that's to demonstrate how bad his science is.
161. Everybody had been persuaded, one way or another, and brought into line.
162. One way to reduce domestic water consumption would be to reduce the use of water for flushing the toilet.
163. There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still.Franklin D. Roosevelt
164. Economic evaluation and the calculation of comparative costs per quality-adjusted life-year gained is one way of providing such an explanation.
165. One way to help this process is to involve all staff affected by computer systems in the computing process.
166. One way of doing this is by taking a unit-linked endowment.
167. One way of breaking through the barriers you may have put up to appreciating yourself fully is to play Boast.
168. For some companies, offering educational programs is one way to begin communicating that family friendly means father friendly.
169. Just as a ratchet turns easily one way but can not turn back, so genetic defects inevitably accumulate.
170. There was only one way to knock such idiocy in the head.
171. Eunuch, one way out of it.
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173. Two one way tickets to Winchester tomorrow, please.
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175. This is one way the lore is extremely helpful.
176. Downsizing is one way to reduce costs.
177. One way to find the galaxy is by finding the Great Square in the constellation Pegasus.
178. Therefore,[http:///one way.html] business website search engine optimization only one way operation.
179. Pawl is a simple device which allows a shaft to turn only one way.
180. One way to stanch inflation is to change the way the grade point average is calculated.