herring造句91 Denmark is a place where stoic locals wear sensible shoes and snack on herring sandwiches.
92 Choose oily fish such as salmon, sardines, anchovies , herring, and mackerel.
93 Gray wolves often find good hunting in the intertidal zone, where they swim after black-tailed deer, fish snout-first for salmon in shallow creeks, consume seals, and scavenge herring eggs.
94 Here, Atlantic cod and herring as still declining, while globally populations of large predators such as sharks and rays are in rapid decline.
95 I scraped the scales off a herring before I cooked it.
96 Whenever he got in a difficulty, he would pull a red herring across the track.
97 Omega-3 fatty acids are prevalent in fatty fish (salmon, sardines and herring) and flaxseed, while omega-6 fats come from sources like margarine and oils made from corn and soybeans.
98 Fish that provide a lot of omega three acids are salmon, herring, mackerel and bluefish.
99 Dubbed the SmartBird, the ultralight flying robot was inspired by the herring gull and can take off, fly and land autonomously, without the help of any additional drive systems.
100 The decline of both our fish stocks and fishing fleets may have changed the landscape forever, but the kipper, a cold-smoked herring, still remains one of the great tastes of England.
101 It forces the industry to import all its requirements for Atlantic herring, mackerel, sardinella, hake and other species.
102 The demand for salted herring in china, in conjunction with huge catches being brought in by the fishing fleet, spurred Yip Sang to build a fish packing plant in Nanaimo.
103 Corcoran looked at Herring. Now she was turning grayish-blue. We've losing her, he thought.
104 As well as vegetables, fish is often pickled particularly herring.
105 The writer has ever measured the depths of Norwagian herring purse seine during surrounding-fishing operation.
106 Along came the Vikings, with their action-man words like 'drag', 'ransack', 'thrust' and 'die', and a love of pickled herring.
107 On their seats were boxed dinners containing schnapps, beer, pickled herring, new potatoes, goose, crayfish , red cabbage, brussels sprouts, and saffron buns.
108 Sushi, anyone?The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish (and nuts) are great for the brain. Sea swimmers like mackerel, herring, eel and tuna are also chock full of phosphatidylserine.
109 Back in February the Haifa Smoked Fish Company of Queens, New York recalled a lot of whole shmaltz herring because it was found to be uneviscerated prior to processing.
110 I like to imagine a world in which neither fish, flesh nor good red herring common.
111 Jim Kadric and flight nurse Diana Montez rushed to Herring.
112 Cod and hake each require about ten SNPs, while herring require about 30.
113 Haring is must first introduce , Chinese meaning is a pacific herring.
114 Experts can not eat anything for depression, the problem was first set out the tyrosine content of foods and beverages, such as Chen cheese, canned meat, soy sauce, yeast extract, herring and salmon.
115 His critics say his emphasis on the past 10 years is a red herring.
116 Fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring , sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids.
117 The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish (and nuts) are great for the brain. Sea swimmers like mackerel, herring, eel and tuna are also chock full of phosphatidylserine.
118 A kipper is a herring, sliced in half before being salted and smoked.
119 This story is a red herring to divert public attention from this issue.
120 In a Malm? stadium, Odfalk watched a performance of traditional Swedish songs and dances while eating pickled herring and drinking schnapps.