快好知 kuaihz

(151) Her husband's naval uniform hung neatly in his mock-mahogany wardrobe, retained with pride. (152) A duplicate copy of the invoice will be retained by the builder's surveyor for record purposes. (153) The building does not construct modern office space behind a retained facade but around it. (154) He had retained his grandpa's Albert, however, and wore the watch chain looped round his neck like a medallion. (155) Those parents who had consented to post mortem examinations were not told that their child's organs might be retained. (156) He can use stock motifs and patterns and superfluous work can be retained to cater for future demand. (157) They retained and emphasised, instead, the written documents deliberately produced by a centralised Chancery and other Norman offices and institutions. (158) Moreover, throughout all these swings, London has retained a peculiar importance within the national economy as a whole. (159) Nevertheless, an important group of family firms retained their independence, and others have entered the industry since that time. (160) Internally, the only significant architectural feature was the two-storey entrance hall, and this is to be retained. (161) The tone of the clarinet in this register must be heard and retained in the mind. (162) He also retained his place on the council of the king. (163) He had a new strap fitted, but had the old one retained for posterity. (164) In the SmartStream scheme, mainframes can be retained as file servers while cheaper Unix boxes assume its traditional tasks. (165) This gas absorbs visible light so well that plants could not photosynthesize even if they somehow retained their leaves. (166) Fortunately it has retained road and rail links with Hull, Scarborough and the historic town of Beverley. (167) It will also enable the schoolroom to be retained as a building of cultural and architectural heritage. (168) Arthur D.. Little has been retained to help compile the specifications, it was learned yesterday. (169) Though I had my doubts about all religious dogmas, still I retained the habit of prayer. (170) On this basis Polaris, and even Trident, could be retained as at least a bargaining counter. (171) He retired from the University but retained an honorary professorship. (172) The left selective-attention system directed at retaining verbal information dominated the choice of what was to be selectively retained from the environment. (173) General practitioners need assurance that control of expenditure will result in the savings being retained in local health care. (174) Only Hong Kong, which had a formal currency board, retained its exchange rate; its experience is worth studying. (175) The Liberal Democratic Party has retained power for much of the past half-century. (176) Even so, the system on board the spacecraft retained some independence should contact with ground control be lost. (177) Allred said she had been retained by the divorced parents of the boy to represent his interests. (178) Pavlov had warned on Aug. 13 of a potential power vacuum, unless the centre retained sufficient economic leverage. (179) But a defensive capacity was retained to test the effectiveness of protective gear used by the armed forces, defense officials say. (180) One proposal that has not been retained is that of the total finance costs for non-equity shares.