fecal造句61. An apparatus is provided that includes an enclosure with an aperture which is adapted for being placed in communication with an anus for the purpose of directing fecal matter into the enclosure.
62. The virus is transferred by the ingestion of fecal matter, even in microscopic amounts, from close person-to-person contact, or by ingestion of contaminated food or drinks.
63. Actually the annular virus is mainly through the fecal oral route dissemination.
64. Diarrhea may occur around the impaction and often with fecal incontinence.
65. This is a paper for the therapeutic effects of 35 nocturia and 32 urinary and fecal incontinence with needle-pricking method.
66. If the virus is shed via fecal matter, this will be especially significant in areas with poor sanitation, such as crowded shanty towns.
67. The ancient fecal material, or coprolite, was littered with seared prickly pear seeds—a food prepared and cooked by humans—and flecked with small bones from fish, birds, and rodents.