melting造句61. Williams and Jeanloz then plotted the rising melting temperatures on a graph against the rising pressures on the sample.
62. In spring melting snow releases pollutants; in autumn rain probably removes the acid accumulated during the summer.
63. Electric installations were smashed with sledgehammers and then switched on melting connexions in complete destruction.
64. If the temperature of the air is very, very cold, salt is not effective in melting ice.
65. On houses with warm roofs, the melting occurs from the bottom up, creating the ice dam.
66. Pears, apples, and grapes were so sweet that they felt like they were melting in my mouth.
67. Any interaction between chains in the crystal lattice will help to hold the structure together more firmly and raise the melting temperature.
68. He liked melting into crowds, positioning himself in doorways, anticipating her route as she walked across campus.
69. And the great mound of caviare - ignored on its melting bed of ice.
70. By progressively melting and falling off, an ablative heat shield can form a very effective protective barrier.
71. America has been a melting pot since the beginning of European immigration.
72. She seemed to be melting into the darkness behind her.
73. The Great River swept sluggishly through meads that were aflame with buttercups and dotted with the last patches of melting snow.
74. Schemes for extracting oxygen from lunar rocks usually feature melting or chemically destroying the principal minerals in the rocks and regolith.
75. On houses with cold roofs, that melting occurs from the top down, without ice dams.
76. Whatever it is, it's melting the ice caps and we're all going to drown.
77. Magic and medicine were often in the same melting pot.
78. Granny felt the words in her head for several seconds, like little melting cubes of ice.
79. The melting point increases with depth in the Earth because of the increasing pressure.
80. The temperatures necessary for melting glass had been achieved in the manufacture of copper alloys thousands of years before.
81. The melting of the ice on the lake signals the start of spring.
82. The two have worked together to produce a booming Sunbelt and a brisk new stirring of the ethnic melting pot.
83. These samples might then exhibit almost perfect first order phase changes at the melting temperature.
84. This shows the effect of pressure on the melting point of ice.
85. It was warmer, the clouds were breaking up, and the ragged patches of snow were melting.
86. I want to talk in metaphors of heat, of burning, of barriers melting down in the face of irresistible passions.
87. The main difference between the two is the melting point of the solder.
88. The Copperbelt has been a political melting pot for years.
89. Bottom right: melting snow from the peaks fuels the rapids.
90. Zwally observes that melting ice has flooded the Earth before.