thus far造句1. He had thus far succeeded in fending off my conversational sallies.
2. Her political career thus far had remained unblemished.
3. Havingcome thus far do you wish to continue?
4. We haven't had any problems thus far.
5. But these letters had thus far gone unheeded.
6. We have thus far identified five types.
7. But thus far it lacks the imagination and leadership.
8. President Wahid has thus far rejected all such demands.
9. I hope you are enjoying the trip thus far.
10. They have avoided injury to key performers thus far.
11. And one I had thus far been utterly unable to decode.
12. Thus far Plato and Aristotle attribute similar statements to the Orphics: body and soul are separable.
13. Thus far, only two relatively minor planks of the 10-point House-initiated legislative agenda have become law.
14. His policy thus far has been to do nothing but not to acknowledge the inaction.
15. Thus far, Dole has shown no signs of adopting such a strategy.
16. It should be noted that all the experiments thus far have used vector representations.
17. Thus far, 11 people have died, and thousands are homeless.
18. Thus far it has been a relatively mild winter in Baltimore, which is causing the usual whining from the Snow Freaks.
19. Thus far, Gould has provided a restatement of the collateral or preliminary fact doctrine.
20. He fights stubbornly, and has thus far resisted all our efforts to dislodge him.....
21. There is, thus far, no global plan apparent which we would regard as logical and satisfying.
22. Thus far, Stone has failed to consult with any indigenous body.
23. But on the evidence thus far, there is little demand for it among Internet users.
24. They're delighted with the replies they've received from the public thus far.
25. The Altru Hospital Auxiliary has given the largest contribution thus far.
26. Mention of the Ryder Cup brings us to the highlight of Torrance's career thus far.
27. Attorney General Dan Lungren is the lone Republican candidate thus far.
28. The changed look at once dissipated the sinister aspect that the gentleman had generated thus far.
29. Pans and scans: Rowdy Gaines gets my vote as best analyst at these Games thus far.
30. The workers of the Red Cross are among the few heroes thus far, he said.