快好知 kuaihz

1, Rotate the head clockwise and counterclockwise. 2, Please move counterclockwise in a circle! 3, Moist air blew counterclockwise around the low pressure area. 4, To remove the lid, turn it counterclockwise. 5, Unscrew the bonnet by turning counterclockwise. 6, Such storms spin counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere. 7, The direction of conventional current flow is counterclockwise. 8, These are the two driving forces for the counterclockwise rotation of Ordos block. 9, Fly a counterclockwise circle while rolling the helicopter to the right. 10, Cull out, that is, remove back faces; assume counterclockwise winding order for primitives. 11, If the same process were counterclockwise the net work done by the system would be negative. 12, If the wheel is rotating counterclockwise, its angular - momentum vector is directed eastward. 13, Web browsing, clockwise Guoquan, to enlarge page, counterclockwise Guoquan narrow website. 14, In the Southern Hemisphere an anticyclone circulates counterclockwise around the high-pressure center, as contrasted to the Northern Hemisphere. 15, The direction of the whirlpool, whether clockwise or counterclockwise, was also noted. 16, Rotate turn signal bulb socket counterclockwise, pull on bulb to remove. 17, Then, all of a sudden, like a spigot turned counterclockwise, B shuts down. 18, The first moment is clockwise and the second is counterclockwise. 19, Holding the cage in one hand, push the seat inward and rotate counterclockwise against the cage. 20, To lower the reduced pressure turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise. 21, A square - dance figure in which couples march counterclockwise in a circle. 22, However, it turned out that towards the north pole of the Milky Way counterclockwise rotation among spiral galaxies is dominant, that is, they are oriented in the right direction. 23, Viewed from the driving end, this pump rotates in counterclockwise direction. 24, Repeat the above step , but this time start pirouetting counterclockwise. 25, This connection has a right - hand thread ( loosens counterclockwise ). 26, We created the vertical control bar by rotating the row button 90 degrees counterclockwise (-90), as shown in Listing 11 below. 27, To lower the balance , turn front leveling feet counterclockwise. 28, But the roller blade installation method for a clockwise and counterclockwise. 29, This maneuver must be done circling both clockwise and counterclockwise. 30, Do the vanes in the figure rotate clockwise or counterclockwise?