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cost of living造句
61 The cost of living is high. 62 The cost of living has increased dramatically. 63 I halve the cost of living. 64 The cost of living is dreadfully high. 65 Sure, their wages were low but so is the cost of living. 66 As the wages advanced, so did the cost of living. 67 According to the Mercer cost of living survey, Frankfurt is Germany's second most expensive city, and the 48th most expensive in the world. 68 Wage increase was balanced off by rising cost of living. 69 Bowing under the high cost of living, Israeli taxpayers have accused the ultra-Orthodox of sponging off the state. 70 The government said they would try to ensure that old age pension kept up with the ever- increasing cost of living. 71 The high cost of living means nothing to some people. 72 Tough economic conditions and the spiraling cost of living have helped diminish appeal of male children. 73 Here the prices of houses and general cost of living is cheaper than living closer to the city. 74 Raise Adjustment of pay rate, usually based on performance, cost of living, or promotion. 75 A rise in the cost of living reflects the rate of inflation. 76 Today's figures from the Office for National Statistics also showed that the Retail Price Index, a measure of inflation generally seen as the best gauge of the cost of living, was at 4.8pc last month. 77 We will improve the urban basic cost of living allowance system, the urban and rural subsidized medical care system, and the assistance system for urban vagrants and beggars. 78 The cost of living index has topped off, this year much higher than last year. 79 In absolute terms wages have risen, but not in comparison with cost of living. 80 Even as the caseload has grown, federal judges' salaries have risen by only 39% since 1991 while the cost of living has gone up 50%. 81 Adjustment of pay rate, usually based on performance, cost of living, or promotion. 82 The rise in the price of oil has knocked the cost of living sideway. 83 Last year, employers counted for 40 percent, while unadjusted pay, cost of living, and unemployment were weighted at 20 percent each. 84 Coolness was gauged by a poll of adults across the country, while rent, the price of movie tickets and a six-pack of beer were used to determine cost of living. 85 Wages is out of step with the cost of living. 86 The cost of living in the Russian capital is nearly 35 percent higher than in New York, which served as the base city for the survey released Monday. 87 Our holiday plans went phut when the cost of living rose again. 88 Adjustment of pay rate, usually based on performance, Polo Ralph Lauren Jerseys, cost of living, or promotion. 89 Several main issues were highlighted during the campaign including the rising cost of living, housing and the expensive rearmament programme which has been ongoing since the war. 90 Ranking as the least expensive city for the fifth year in a row was Paraguay's capital of Asuncion, where the cost of living is half that of New York, Mercer estimated.