快好知 kuaihz

stand in造句
61 Place in the cooled liquid and allow to stand in a refrigerator for at least 12 hours. 62 By bribery - all men are corruptible - and by removing permanently any so-called idealists who stand in our way. 63 If her party backed her, she said, she would stand in presidential elections later in the year. 64 Go stand in a field somewhere, paint each other's faces, make some puppets. 65 It was only too likely that they would encounter dangers beyond the warren and that they would stand in need of some good fighters. 66 To quiet things down, she often has to order one of the boys to stand in a corner. 67 That is why Labour and the Tories stand in areas where they know they will lose their deposits. 68 Franco and his henchmen had undoubtedly allowed the monarchists to stand in the hope that they would be discredited by defeat. 69 So information sources can stand in for what we do not automatically know. 70 When it came time for my client to testify, he took the witness stand in his bib overalls. 71 The competition was intense and the shop managers would actually stand in the street touting for business. 72 Another example is I bought some apples, which does not stand in a contrary relationship with I bought some pears. 73 This doorway did not stand in the center of the wall, which seems unusual. 74 The delegation members stand in the back of the room until Angelita invites them to sit among the twenty or so students. 75 The rest of us might also stand in awe of his season. 76 He had thought she had told him to stand in the store for lunch. 77 Steve has a track record of not allowing medical adversity to stand in the way of his relentless pursuit of Olympic titles. 78 But there are a number of compelling reasons to stand in line. 79 Two saddles in progress stand in the center of his overcrowded workshop. 80 They stand in a straight row, neat and orderly, facing south. 81 Sometimes they stand in for a deity, haunting the sacred places and occupying a position midway between gods and men. 82 A general concept can be exemplified by any number of particular instances which need not stand in any causal relation with each other. 83 How will we stand in the future, with a climate modified by human intervention? 84 People could think what they liked about her mental state, as long as they didn't stand in her way. 85 She was later seen at a hamburger stand in the car park behind the Guest House where she met her death. 86 The President was unavailable and had the Vice President stand in for him. 87 But why did he stand in the cold, on wet ground, for five or ten minutes? 88 North West side Brigade stand in the way of North Down's success - and they look to be formidable opposition. 89 You have said that you will stand in the presidential election next April. 90 Many of the houses stand in two side roads on either side of this road, sometimes referred to as King Street.