mates造句61. The works of the two painters don't make good stable mates.
62. Both outsiders chose establishment types for their vice presidential running mates.
63. When we got back home Dad's mates had left and he himself was snoring in the chair.
64. So, by sight, sound and smell, the adult insects attract their mates.
65. A hidden battle rages inside any female who mates more than once.
66. Females often choose mates on the basis of what genes a male might carry.
67. He also pointed to the lack of evidence of consistent female choice for mates carrying particular characteristics.
68. As Miller related it to his mates later, they were both asleep when they drove through the gates.
69. She shouldn't run off with any of his old mates or she would get a good hiding when he came home.
69. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday!
70. I decided that it called for a spooky sleepover, so I invited my mates over one evening.
71. Stu would be laughing and larking about with his mates at the wallpaper shop.
72. While climbing the last little bit I couldn't help thinking of all the mates who had been killed.
73. A few moments later he shivered again, sneezed and decided the time had come to return to his mates and forget it.
74. Nothing, if the injury persisted, but whatever a man's mates might collect for him by passing round a hat.
75. He professed to be mates with all the Revie team now as then.
76. His widow gathers his old mates together to prepare the funeral orations.
77. Anyway, one day me and my mates were all going to a party so I decided to do a home perm.
78. Lee Nogan was let through by his old mates and Paul Furlong did the damage.
79. Physicists do not generally choose their mates from among subsistence farmers.
80. That was the true black humour of colleagues I thought were my mates.
81. Some of my dormitory mates made dancing motions and twisted in their seats.
82. And he pointed the finger at a couple of his team mates.
83. At eight o'clock he and his team mates were walking through Cheltenham.
84. The fire-fighter on mess duty will have collected money from his mates, bought the food and cooked it.
85. I use the words I learned from Gan and the Rubber Dummy with my work mates and we get on fine.
86. He still enjoyed returning to his roots, drinking in the pub with old mates or taking his Ma to the Odeon.
87. Take punk, it was all about a tight nucleus of bands who were all mates.
88. Many villagers attended his funeral, with his team mates in football gear as pall bearers.
89. It must be horrible to be driven away from all your old haunts because you might bump into your drug mates.
90. I followed him and saw him join some of his mates who were waiting on the corner.