快好知 kuaihz

1 She felt refreshed after her sleep. 2 The following morning she awoke refreshed. 3 He refreshed himself with a cool shower. 4 A cool drink refreshed me after my long walk. 5 The long sleep had refreshed her. 6 The supply ship refreshed the submarines between battles. 7 She refreshed herself with a hot bath. 8 I feel so refreshed after that cup of tea. 9 A catnap at lunchtime can make you feel refreshed. 10 He refreshed himself with a glass of iced tea. 11 They felt refreshed and invigorated after the walk. 12 Jen returned from vacation feeling relaxed and refreshed. 13 I awoke feeling rested and refreshed. 14 His words refreshed my memory that he remained a bachelor at the age of thirty. 15 He refreshed from fatigue when he got up in the morning. 16 John felt refreshed after a quick plunge in the lake. 17 She woke refreshed to face the rigours of a new day. 18 He awoke feeling completely refreshed. 19 Karl von Bruhel awoke feeling calm and refreshed. 20 I yelled, feeling suddenly refreshed. 21 He woke after a long, restful sleep, feeling refreshed. 22 The hot liquid refreshed and strengthened her. 23 He could have returned refreshed in the morning to kill off the match completely. 24 His meeting with the Holtzes seemed to have refreshed Alvin and cleared his mind. 25 Beth felt refreshed after her bath, and content in the knowledge that all three children were safe in bed. 26 Having eaten, I felt refreshed and calm as I got into bed. 27 There I snored and whinnied and gnashed for nearly three hours, awaking refreshed and raring to go at a little after one. 28 Despite this, 93.1% said they come back from holiday feeling refreshed and relaxed. 29 He slept deeply and when he awoke he was refreshed. 30 Her small gold watch showed almost noon when she awoke, refreshed and ravenous.