steamy造句1 The film has several steamy bedroom scenes.
2 He'd had a steamy affair with an office colleague.
3 The movie contains some pretty steamy scenes!
4 To feel cool on those steamy, languid summer days ahead, it helps to look cool.
5 But he has written a steamy thriller, much to the surprise of his conservative minions.
6 The steamy yellow gruel in the bucket splashed out on to the kitchen floor.
7 In the steamy mirror in the half-light, my body seems smooth and strong, almost lovely.
8 Shower cubicles were steamy with recent use, but also unoccupied.
9 In contrast to steamy hearings on the waterfront plan over the past seven years, only two critics showed up Thursday.
10 A steamy surf of spice-bearing molecules pumped out from the pots on the stove.
11 Yet given the steamy circumstances, this whole shebang seems oddly passionless.
12 These somewhat steamy romances feature a variety of contemporary problems all solved within an atmosphere of romantic fantasy.
13 Hot and steamy, the smell of moist decay pervades the air.
14 Jim's is an unprepossessing corner cafe-shabby furniture, steamy windows, pine tongue-and-groove walls.
15 We drank a warm, steamy ale that Anders had brewed in the kitchen.
16 Then, mosquitoes and steamy jungle heat along a path that went up and up.
17 So return with us to that steamy, sweaty shanty in Old Boston Town.
18 His latest production is a steamy thriller set in Hong Kong.
19 That mystery movie has some steamy sex scenes.
20 All steamy smoke choked off the flames.
21 My glasses fogged up in this steamy room.
22 The steamy vapours of a Turkish bath.
23 My glasses have fogged up in this steamy room.
24 He puffed out his fat cheeks and let out a lungful of steamy breath.
25 They rode back to Queenstown in a silence made steamy by the aftermath of heavy rains.
26 We slide down the hill to the banks of the Colorado and a steamy kind of heaven.
27 Would they make love all day at some hot, steamy house somewhere in this glittering cosmopolitan city?
28 If I could have summat to eat, I'd have a big bowl of oxtail soup - all hot and steamy.
29 The three scents clashed deliciously and fought for supremacy in the hot steamy room.
30 It had not occurred to Nutty how accustomed they had become to the steamy swimming baths and the seventy-five degree water.