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181. This is because Konqueror makes heavy use of shared KDE libraries that are loaded into lots of applications, as I am using the KDE desktop. 182. And general type, mainly used for high performance CPU pursuit of high performance personal computer system (i. e. PC desktop), server) and (workstation notebook three kinds. 183. My parttime college job with a newspaper taught me a lot about desktop publishing, how to position something on a page effectively, and how to write short sentences with maximum impact. 184. On your desktop in the office, though, trusty CRT technology will prevail. 185. EPUB is a free, standardized format that almost every hardware e Reader or desktop software understands. 186. This service synchronizes appointments between your desktop computer and your mobile device. 187. The process eventually was refined. A mortar and pestle worked better than the desktop, and a coffee grinder worked best of all for making good bee paste. 188. The New 3 D Optical Desktop Scanner affordable for all! 189. Lotus Expeditor provides an integrated application desktop window, called the desktop workbench, so users can install, manage, and launch one or more applications in a single window. 190. Full - Size desktop printing calculator with 12 - digit display! 191. The triple-channel controller will appear on both desktop and server/workstation offerings, and it will support three memory modules per channel. 192. Get the all new Ayi Jihu 2009 Desktop Calendar and contribute to her domestic violence campaign. 193. Today, the company is rolling out a new notifier, this time in the desktop format with an Adobe Air application. 194. Text composition is the most complicated task in the text phase of desktop publishing. 195. The answer again goes back to the global metaphor of the desktop. 196. Today there have been many OA systems for example desktop publishing video conference videotext and so on. 197. Communication module designed through LPTs applicative to both desktop and notebook computer. 198. Kiosks thus tread an interesting middle ground between the two most common desktop postures. 199. You can store a set of options for the tabbed desktop as a template and thus change the options of all tabs together in a snap. 200. The virtual desktops, multiple mouse buttons, and other features of a typical desktop are ill-suited for use on a small screen with a stylus. 201. The systems are packaged in three basic models: desktop, deskside and rack - mount. 202. Entry of spatial coordinates into the user's desktop to obtain the object's location. 203. A desktop or portable system can be left on for weeks, even months, and server uptime can stretch to a year or more. 204. Do you know which one is better, a laptop or a desktop? 205. Today all desktop and notebook hard disk drives implement the security features. 206. The Refresh Screen option causes K4000RC Viewer to request a fresh copy of the current state of the entire server desktop. 207. The wall of wine and shop are in the modena antependium on woodiness desktop. 208. Every desktop and laptop computer common use today contains a microprocessor as its central processing unit. 209. This is probably not much more than the background image you put on your desktop. 210. Add plants, anchors, debris, and even a treasure chest to your desktop.