快好知 kuaihz

121. The word failure in the title may be more obvious at least in its lexical form. 122. In Experiment 2, lexical decision responses were faster when the disyllabic primes were identical to the disyllabic targets than when the prime-target pairs shared nothing in common. 123. Deviat ion in lexical meaning is a common phenomenon int ranslat ion. 124. "Concept words", "predicate", "lexical item" and "concept" are four different notions, their relationship are quite complicated. 125. The meaning morphemes convey may be of two kinds: lexical meaning and grammatical meaning. 126. Since a lexical analyzer is actually nothing more than a parser optimized to process data into token streams, Spirit treats both parts of the process virtually identically. 127. Lex takes a specification file and builds a corresponding lexical analyzer, coded in C. 128. Nominal ambiguity is classified into two kinds: nominal lexical ambiguity and nominal structural ambiguity , two of which can produce ambiguity when moved from D-structure to S-structure. 129. Onomatopoeic words were seen as a special lexicon in modern Chinese for long, but as to its speciality, there aren't any detailed lexical studies now. 130. According to their categorization (1976, 1985), lexical cohesion is composed of reiteration, synonymy, hyponymy and collocation, etc. 131. In other words, these linguistic tests for lexical semantic relations provide a building block for a verifiable and language independent theory of lexical semantics. 132. About 14 % of those receiving thee - mail removed information on lexical sexual behavior. 133. Headline is an important component of a newspaper with peculiar language features; Here a preliminary survey is made on the English headlines, mainly on its lexical and grammatical features. 134. The manner expressing time in Chinese has two: by lexical form or by grammatical form; they have different degrees of grammaticalization. 135. Semantic primitive is an important concept in lexical semantics. However, it has not been widely studied in the current research of computational linguistics. 136. Words and expressions mark aspect, discuss the aspect of function diverse, lexical category widespread, quantity is rich, and use freedom. 137. According to lexical meaning, main verbs can be dynamic and stative . 138. Semantics is generally divided into lexical semantics and sentence semantics. 139. By understanding closures and lexical scope, you begin to perceive opportunities for new development patterns and idioms. 140. This is really only a hack, though -- generally you shouldn't rely on the lexical representation of an XML document. 141. Some acronyms as scientific terminology are used as a lexical item. 142. Lexicalization, as a process of language change, is usually referred to cases in which materials like sentences or phrases develop into or are recruited to form lexical items. 143. Lexical representation and development in a second language can be divided into three stages: formal stage, L1 lemma mediation stage, and L2 integration stage. 144. Chapter three touches detailedly on the characteristics of business English from four aspects: lexical level, syntactic level, textual level and social level. 145. Lexical analysis stage is to build the first phase of the process. 146. In culture, transfer will appear in two areas: lexical meaning and pragmatics. 147. Compiler Construction Principles, based on the JAVA realize, lexical analysis. 148. The grammar and structure of French are precise and the lexical meanings are affirmable. The significant world literatures all have French versions. 149. For example, are overlaps in word meaning, or lexical gaps, being explored? 150. This thesis proposes a document clustering method combining ontology and lexical chain clusters to compensate the disadvantage of only using lexical chain.