快好知 kuaihz

31. Typhus is transmitted by lice and can live only inside cells. 32. Every medication promised to kill eggs as well as lice, and none did. 33. Inside a decade it grew into a national organization with an affluent governing board and a Washington lobbying of lice. 34. She scratches now as she talks about the lice, then smiles when she notices. 35. The insecticidal and bactericidal properties of aromatic plants helped ward off disease by killing air-borne bacteria and deterring fleas and lice. 36. Then lice and slops are preferable to my conversation? 37. Pubic lice infest only pubic hair. 38. Infestation with lice, especially crab lice; pediculosis. 39. No lice - ridden soldier should come into Tara. 40. Head lice are relatively common, particularly among children, and can cause itching, sometimes to the point of excoriation with risk for secondary infection. 41. The lice eat the muscle and skin of young fish. 42. For Use: Our therapeutic blend is effective against cradle cap, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema and lice. No tears, two products in one - No: SLS, DEA, or numbing agents. 43. The lice are yellow-grey in colour and use their crab-like claws to grip hair strands. 44. The evidence comes from seemingly very unfashionable lice, since scientists tracked when head lice evolved into clothing/body lice around 170, 000 years ago. 45. Instead, the reporter might say, "The outbreak of head lice means that nurses like Mary Smith are seeing a lot more children than usual today." 46. Malathion is a type of insecticide that works well against head lice. 47. Shad a sad experience last week at a road race in the town where I lice. 48. The mattress is saturated with embalming fluid. It's a morgue for lice, bedbugs, cockroaches, tapeworms. 49. To decrease the number of head lice episodes per unit of time, control measures should include the treatment of all household contacts. 50. Crab lice are small, light brown, flat insects that cling to pubic hair. 51. He was the man who knew the seamy side of China, where the lice lurked. 52. Mass treatment with ivermectin may reduce the incidence of head lice infestation and associated morbidity in resource-poor communities. 53. In addition, there are infections by protozoa and infestations of pubic lice and scabies. 54. For Use: Our therapeutic blend is effective against cradle cap, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema and lice. 55. In an impoverished community, girls and the poorest of the poor are the population groups that are most vulnerable for head lice infestation. 56. We studied 132 children without head lice who lived in a slum in north-eastern Brazil. 57. Mechanically removing nits and lice by combing the pubic hair with a fine toothed comb. 58. Works great against cradle cap, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema and lice. 59. Sucking lice, fleas, chiggers and gamasid mites are the main ectoparasites. 60. Children in the intervention group remained free from infestation with head lice significantly longer than children in the control group.