unwise造句61. Business negotiations Clearly there may be some negotiations where it would be unwise to assume that an obligation of confidence will arise.
62. It would be unwise to set limits to its march.
63. But it is unwise to assume that parents will inevitably pose a problem when they are placed first.
64. It's unwise to travel alone in certain parts of the city, so always take a cab.
65. Without evidence to the contrary, it may be unwise to go against the behavior suggested as appropriate by the myth.
66. He wondered if he should arrest her, but having recognising the famous Kallinkova decided this would be unwise.
67. They were rebuked as unwise and improper by the more discreet.
68. There will be cases where it would be unwise to make public details of individual's names and home addresses.
69. First they visited the parts purchaser, who agreed that the policy was unwise but blamed central purchasing.
70. The unwise patronage policy of the Santa Anna administration had been very costly.
71. Forced equality is unwise because it disrupts the natural, cooperative hierarchy among groups and causes social conflict and unnatural change.
72. A single unwise maneuver would have sent Robinson and his skiff plunging over the precipice.
73. Although it was unwise to do anything about depressions, ignorance and popular passion might easily force some action.
74. The educational systems and cultural climates in every country are so diverse that international planning would be unwise and ineffectual.
75. The hon. Gentleman's extraordinary attack on independent financial advisers was very unwise.
76. Even if that is confirmed, it is often unwise not to seek additional safeguards in your contract.
77. In the next issue of his news-sheet he had reported on the incident in terms which he now realized had been unwise.
78. It is unwise for parents to replicate at home what does not work at school.
79. Over-use of such mediating devices is unwise, especially where they involve direct repetition.
80. It would be unwise to suggest that any of these remembered families can stand as typical.
81. As any statistician will confirm, it is unwise to infer trends from change over a single year.
82. He feels that Keyser's problems were hastened by an unwise acquisition.
83. It's unwise to let policy be influenced, let alone jeopardized, by outraged personal pride.
84. He would be unwise to underestimate the disruptive potential of its particular form of divine discontent.
85. It would however be unwise to assume too easily that volumes will continue to grow rapidly.
86. Captain Dennis Wise was singing his little heart out whilst the rest stood there looking distinctly unwise as to the lyrics.
87. It would be very unwise to change our policy on the basis of such a sketchy report.
88. With hindsight she could see it had been unwise, especially in view of the family history of heart disease.
89. It would be most unwise at present to rely solely on luminescence interpretations of geological phenomena.
90. It would be much more unwise to go to locked exchange rates.