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(31) Conclusion BCP was better for determining serum albumen in pregnant women than BCG method. (32) Conclusion BCG revaccination termination don't increase tuberculosis infection and initiation in children and adolescents. (33) The estimated basic inoculation rates were 85.93 % ( BCG ) , 85.58 % ( OPV ) , 82.48 % ( DPT ) , 81.15 % ( MV ) , 77.29 % ( HBV ). (34) Objective: observing effecting of BCG amylose nucleic acid to treat bronchial asthma. (35) Objective To explore the effect of bacillus calmette-guerin (BCG)intervention on expression of costimulatory molecules of B7-CD28/CD152 and T lymphocyte apoptosis in asthmatic mouse. (36) Conclusion BCG polyose nuclear acid injection can reduce the incidence rate of plasmodium virus asthma. (37) Objective To study the effect and mechanism of early intervention by polysaccharide nucleic acid fraction of BCG (BCG PSN) for prevention of post bronchiolitis wheezing. (38) After the 1960 s, China began to inoculate BCG, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, measles and poliomyelitis vaccines. (39) AIM: The present study was designed to examine the effect of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination on blood pressure, nitric oxide (NO) production and iNOS expression in hypertensive rats. (40) To study the bioactivity changes of DC pulsed with HTA - HSP 70 BCG. (41) Objective To investigate antitumor effects induced by dendritic cells (DCs) pulsed with complex of tumor antigen from elemene-combo tumor cell vaccine-heat shock protein 70 of BCG (HTA-HSP70BCG). (42) Calmette Guerin ( BCG ) vaccine on anti - tuberculosis and CD 4 + CD 8 + double positive ( DP ) T lymphocytes. (43) Conclusion BCG vaccination in temporary resident children should be strengthened. (44) Result children injected with BCG polyose nuclear acid have a low incidence rate of asthma.