快好知 kuaihz

91, There were three main aspects to Bukharin's ideas on the transition period leading to a new socialist equilibrium: 1. 92, The early railway unions that emerged during the 1890s were generally socialist in orientation, although in a few cases they were anarcho-syndicalist. 93, Last month's elections saw a continuance in power of the country's socialist party. 94, The dinner they gave him ranks among the epic brawls which regularly give the brotherhood of socialist solidarity a bad name. 95, It might even be socialist, and we couldn't have that-bridges and communities might be built before billboards. 96, Whether a capitalist or socialist approach to development is adopted, it must be development with a human face. 97, A pacifist, a socialist, and many other wonderful, otherworldly things. 98, Chaplin was certainly a humanitarian with strong socialist leanings at a time when to appear even remotely pink was begging for trouble. 99, In February 1990 the organization left Belgrade's Socialist Alliance, citing the shortcomings in the alliance's electoral procedure. 100, It can be traced back to nineteenth-century philanthropists like the early socialist entrepreneur Robert Owen and various Quaker-owned businesses. 101, For a start, it is a subordinate class, and being a socialist means surrendering a culture of subordination for self-determination. 102, Particularly since, almost invariably, the colonists used socialist slogans to reject any nationalist demands and justify the elimination of nationalists. 103, Even if workers could solve their collective action problems and unite behind a socialist party, their electoral muscle would be insufficient. 104, The Second International also insisted that the first socialist revolution in a major country would quickly find imitators elsewhere. 105, He thought of socialism in humanist terms but had little appreciation of socialist economics. 106, There used to be a rickety vending machine at Manchester and Vermont that held a Socialist Workers newspaper. 107, One may say that socialist market economy is a contradiction in terms. 108, The Left-wing of the party continued to fight for the adoption of socialist policies. 109, Since the job required that he be politically neutral, he had to sever his links with the Socialist Party. 110, In a socialist society, it was asked, were such gross disparities and inequalities permissible? 111, Nis, a traditional Socialist stronghold, had been site of the most egregious election-day fraud. 112, The socialist road had to be adhered to, even though that itself was changing with the ultimate destination now uncertain. 113, The mass demonstrations demanded his resignation, the abrogation of the socialist constitution, a national conference and a new constitution. 114, The editors of two Socialist Party publications, Eyler and Teori have been told their magazines must stop publishing. 115, And it was those of liberal and moderate socialist leaders, men like Miliukov and Kerensky, which exerted greatest influence. 116, He worked as a journalist in the 1890s, and took an active role in discussions among liberal and socialist intellectuals. 117, Instead, the party moulded the spontaneous protest of the working class into a consciously socialist revolutionary movement. 118, The longer that socialist parties held on to the old orthodoxies, the worse they have suffered. 119, Perhaps the ultimate irony is that Stalinist-style Socialist Realism is now being sold in the West. 120, It is a political project exhibiting all the characteristics of a centrally controlled socialist economic system.