newborn造句61. The power of eye-to-eye contact with a newborn has been brought home to us repeatedly.
62. It should not be imagined, however, that the newborn Earth remotely resembled the world in which we live today.
63. She put her bag with the story on the passenger seat and drove as if it were a newborn baby.
64. All they see is a baby, a newborn baby, a symbol of all people care about.
65. We are trying to get to them with the message that smoking kills unborn and newborn babies.
66. Usually when the woman had her children she would take the newborn back to her parents home, sometimes for months.
67. The 2-year-old is cognitively and affectively different from the newborn infant.
68. The average weight of a newborn baby is about seven pounds.
69. Almost every newborn encounters an environment that acts toward it in a social way.
70. I could beat any newborn baby in the world crying.
71. Within moments of our first encounter, he has whipped out a Photo-Me booth shot of his newborn baby daughter.
72. The newborn can also accomplish this at a later time.
73. There are words in the soul of a newborn baby, wanting and waiting to be written.Toba Beta
74. Under a window lay our newborn son crowned by a spectrum, the seven strands of vision.
75. Conclusion: Dynamic transcutaneous bilirubinometry can presage newborn pathological jaundice.
76. The newborn calf fears no tigers.
77. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.
78. Objective To of myocardial enzymes in newborn with hyperbilirubinemia.
79. Newborn babies sleep in short bursts.
80. The propositus was a healthy Han ethnic newborn female.
81. She gazed at the newborn infant and smiled.
82. Microbiology was a newborn science.
83. Being there to offer support and lay eyes on the newborn can be as motivating for men as women.
84. A newborn Ukranian baby suffered minimal injuries and was expected to recover fully after its mother threw it from a third-storey window.
85. It is newborn thing that burning technique of Circulating Fluidized Bed.
86. Young langurs, still with traces of the canary yellow fur of their newborn days, play on vertical faces of limestone rock.
87. Objective:To study the X-ray diagnosis of wet lung in newborn.
88. The fifteen newborn SPF ( Specific Pathogen Free ) piglets obtained by caesarean operation were randomly divided into three groups.
89. Methods The plasma CO and NO levels of 33 perinatal asphyxial neonates and 30 healthy newborn infants were measured.
90. In west and central Africa, one new born newborn in 20 dies.