快好知 kuaihz

1, They travelled the highways and byways of Britain. 2, My research focuses on the byways of children's literature. 3, She travelled the highways and byways of Scotland collecting folk songs and local traditions. 4, There is no advantage in pricing lorries off the highways and on to by-ways. 5, He has mastered the rules, the byways and folkways of life in an entirely different universe. 6, Byways of history, particularly might-have-beens, also suit the form well. 7, Nevertheless, if the academic historians followed their by-way of scholarship, history remained the main constituent of the new social sciences. 8, This smallish grid of brick byways features pale Easteregg-colored houses old as anything in town. 9, Anyone with taste for late-Romantic byways should enjoy this piece, though the 23-minute first movement is decidedly long for its material. 10, Thanks. Byway, tell your wife she throwsgreat party. 11, This bumpy, meandering byway is difficult to negotiate. 12, Each careful step along the byway. 13, The sea still serves as a byway, grocery, laundry, workplace, and playground for the local inhabitants, just as it has for centuries. 14, Scenic byway is a combination of tourism and transport function of the landscape road, which has the multiple value of traffic, landscape, recreational, historical, cultural and natural. 15, Take the Feather River Scenic Byway toward Bucks Lake to catch brightly-hued autumn vistas and steep canyon lookouts, all packed into a single day-trip. 16, Now the king watched every road and byway in search of new wealth. 17, Each careful step along the byway . nd more, much more than this . I did it my way . 18, We were out among the farms and pastures by then, tooling along a bumpy byway in our drenched and sopping clothes. 19, One of them was Moon-Watcher; once again he felt inquisitive tendrils creeping down the unused byways of his brain. 20, Drop off at Lower Bridge Street, a gem of an old-fashioned byway,[http:///byway.html] and browse among fashionable shops and restaurants. 21, A highway for this purpose is defined as including footpaths, bridleways and byways. 22, The network center equipment can communicate with the gateway byway of the network of ATM and MAN , and transfer the voice packets, and bill every call record. 23, The stable federal and state funding is the importance financial resource for the construction of national scenic byway system. 24, The last skirt of our trip was to go through a scenic byway , and stopped at a beach. 25, But the landscape appraisal analysis has the important significance to the Scenic byway plan, which is the core content of Scenic byway planning, designing and management. 26, Combined transport from Lianyungang to Western Europe land bridge, saves 20% of its freight and shortens nearly 50% of its shipment date than goes byway of Indian Ocean. 27, I've planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway . 28, To begin with, the author analyzes the trait of administrative contract byway of comparing the administrative contract systems of western countries. 29, A handful of Lode country or main Lode country byway little orebody assume vein, or have the characteristic of balk reappear, compound of branch. 30, The paper makes detailed exposition on the assessment processes and institutions, procedures, methods and standards of the scenic byway assessment system of the United States.