快好知 kuaihz

91. He had ripped up the carpet, leaving only the bare boards. 92. Half of the house was ripped away in the explosion. 93. Interior walls, as much as possible, were ripped away. 94. Not covered: the flying stone ripped the awnings. 95. They've got baggy pants with ripped bottoms. 96. They also ripped off the hubcaps. 97. He then ripped off his tie. 98. Her gown was ripped from her body. 99. Three foxes were saved from being savagely ripped apart. 100. Sometimes producers collude and consumers get ripped off. 101. He ripped through four of the files quickly. 102. She ripped him into little pieces. 103. Drawers littered all over the floor, cushions ripped open. 104. Nothing remained that had not been ripped, smashed or kicked in. 105. With their bare hands, they fought to save the man who had an ear ripped off in the attack. 106. One could hardly wear garments that were ripped to shreds and spattered with blood. 107. Balberith ripped the remains of the fruit and salad bar from its mountings and flung it through the roof. 108. The truck roared and ripped down the last descent to the river valley. 109. These can be just those pieces which they find lying around the surface or they can be ripped off the growing plants. 110. Polly thought she lived in a bedsit and that she was being ripped off. 111. He gripped the edge of the nearest inspection plate and ripped a quarter of it away. 112. But in the real world, you couldn’t really just split a family down the middle, mom on one side, dad the other, with the child equally divided between. It was like when you ripped a piece of paper into two: no matter how you tried, the seams never fit exactly right again. It was what you couldn't see, those tiniest of pieces, that were lost in the severing, and their absence kept everything from being complete.Sarah Dessen 113. Nell feverishly ripped the covers off three of the files, hastily stuffing the insides into one of her empty field-dressing pouches. 114. I crushed up the cockroach in my clothes and practically ripped my blouse off, there in open sunlight. 115. Big Black ripped the heart out of several corners of music and were astonishing in their own right. 116. To reward him for this good behavior, I ripped apart the cedar waxwing and handed it to him in little pieces. 117. A broken toaster and sev-eral ripped window shades were crammed in near a cracked welding gun and a rotting fence post. 118. There were noises to fear-something substantial ripped from the undercarriage and the thumping of a tire burst into shreds. 119. Her clothing had been ripped away to the waist in the horrific attack, said police spokesman Shlomo Ben Hemo. 120. The bullet ripped through her intestinal tract and lodged in her lower abdomen....