快好知 kuaihz

121. It can avoid hurting hair and non-sufficient temperature with hydronium heater and highly heat-resistance colophony on the surface. 122. "Despite this senseless abuse, we have had no reports of Tusker hurting anyone, which is testament to his basic good nature, " Rodrigues said. 123. But there's another world crisis under way — and it's hurting a lot more people. 124. He received a technical for intentionally hurting the other player. 125. By hurting the beloved, the lover wishes to signal that their mutual relationship, and in particular their mutual dependency, should be modified. 126. Conclusion: To prevent side hurting is critical to the success of thyroid gland second operation again. 127. Experiments show that FATTY has not only greatly improved the reliability the FAT file system, but also met the soft real-time constraints, without hurting its compatibility. 128. That's cowpoke talk for hurting bobbert herding , roping, and branding candle cattle the sun and stars. 129. Not only was I stuck in my inauthentic hatred, but the feelings underneath were hurting me too! 130. It's analogous to someone slouching in his chair and complaining about his back hurting. 131. Researchers have speculated that self-injury might prime people for suicide in that they are able to overcome the fear and pain that comes from hurting themselves. 132. The next trigger for monetary easing would thus be fresh evidence that supply constraints are hurting domestic demand enough for the economy to undershoot the BOJ's forecasts. 133. No genius, not a bad guy, but the attacks are hurting and stiffening him. 134. Directness in request has two meanings: unambiguity and coerciveness, which contributes to clear communication but threatens face, hence hurting the relations between speakers and hearers. 135. Slyness is hurting deliberately. 136. On the way back, he fell right in front of a first aid station, tearing a big hole in the pants and hurting his knee. 137. "When you push a button, you literally are hurting, killing maiming another human being" in the virtual space, the Democrat says. 138. During that short time, a human is born, smiling, crying, fighting, hurting, joyance, sadness, hating, loving. All of these are just an encounter in that flash, after all will repose forever. 139. The speculative demand for iron ore, for example, is gravely hurting China's national interest. 140. In Poland the zloty fell further, hurting many who took out home loans in foreign currencies. 141. More to the point, the jougs became a permanent metal neckband, wide enough to avoid hurting the neck when the young lady forgot it was there and tried to look down at her own shoes. 142. Denver's 484 dispensaries already charge sales tax, which means that — financially, anyway — the city isn't hurting from their presence. 143. And if you end up hurting your shin bone as a result of kicking into your opponents raised knee, then you may still suffer an injury. 144. What is hurting this person is the response he or she has uncritically adopted. 145. It is significant to implement the outside director system, since it can prevent controlling shareholders from hurting the interests of small shareholders. 146. But before hurting his leg, he was standing toe-to-toe with the other best strikers in the Premier League. 147. Satyagraha, first evolved in South Africa, was a sort of non-violent warfare, a way of defeating the enemy without hurting him and without feeling or arousing hatred. 148. The operative approach was chosen on right neck to avoid hurting thoracic duct. 149. Mostly it meant, "I'm a full-grown man and I'm willing to use physical force to stop you from hurting my kid, you punk kid." 150. Central to this great commission is caring for the hurting, to whom we offer a cup of cold water in Jesus' name.