wider造句151) The speaker's sectional interests, as a businessman, are seen to coincide with the wider interests of everybody else.
152) The bipolar adversary process often involves paying little attention to these wider interests.
153) Similarly, restaurant management have wider responsibilities for building their own branch's business than would the managers of most branded operations.
154) They have not infrequently been a source of acrimony between the authorities involved, as well as of wider problems.
155) The series of four concerts aims to bring classical music to a wider audience, although the tickets aren't cheap.
156) Millions of voters have acquired a stake in the wider ownership of shares and homes and a voice in union affairs.
157) In Levin's essay, avant-garde cinema is assimilated into the wider discourse of Modernist art despite their material and institutional differences.
158) The research undertaken will provide a basis for nature conservation in the wider countryside and aid the promotion of nature conservation values.
159) Later that afternoon the police, who had been diligently searching certain caravans on Turpin's Field, spread their net wider.
160) The privilege is much wider than procedural matters, covering every aspect of the internal functions of the House.
161) But defenses, especially weapons, now offered a wider array of choices.
162) However, as I suggested in Chapter 1, the basic assumptions of Beccaria's classical model suggest a much wider canvas.
163) The mouth flew open wider this time, a blotch of sick color.
164) This viewpoint must be set within the wider political context.
165) Some noticed that the cereal packets were wider or longer than soap packets.
166) A disposition to incremental change can deflect one from considering or even comprehending wider and more fundamental problems.
167) The company also announced that its fourth-quarter loss was wider than expected.
168) But his features were carved from stronger stuff, the mouth wider beneath a nose that was broken though still straight.
169) Conferences and seminars as well as publications will ensure that research results reach a wider interested audience.
170) The discipline and profession of town planning became a beneficiary of this wider frame of social concern.
171) The research will examine the extent to which reductions in naval strengths can become part of the wider negotiated arms control process.
172) Therefore the wider circulation of such policy statements needs to be a priority in order to correct that misconception.
173) It has the advantage to those commissioning the research of a dedicated team with access to the wider Henley academic community.
174) The first class is of wider ambit than the second and exists only during the period of employment.
175) But if direct partisan considerations are largely absent from the process, wider concerns of suitability are not.
176) The wider the curtains, or longer the blind, the more space needed to accommodate them.
177) Throughout the winter, Kea and Kathy had plotted strategies to gain the Working Groups wider acceptance in the parish.
178) Objectives: A. Use diverse communication methods for wider and more effective delivery of critical public health messages.
179) His father was taking a wide berth around the Sisters, wider than Ezra decided he might have done.
180) Though traps can cope with a wider range of exhaust effluent, they're more expensive and hard to maintain satisfactorily.