OMG造句 (31) For example, OED found a quotation for OMG in a personal letter from 1917, and FYI (For Your Information) originated in the language of memoranda in 1941. (32) Today, with organizations like the Object Management Group (OMG), we are seeing a different model. (33) CORBA is the specification proposed by International Object Management Group(OMG) for designing distributed object systems and widely used in the real projects now.英文造句all-outbaby-sittertensilewear the trousersclarifyinggalleonsocialistichumorouslyas thick as thievessociabilitysociablyx-ray machinecontraltopalsyclefhayloftanarchisticcognitive psychologyalternatorfrizzlegateswingletfeudalisticpuranasimulatorpursermake allowancesubgroupcomputerized accounting system