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151. Objective To assess trans - scalp coronal incision for complicated maxillofacial fractures. 152. Objective: To study whether or not lappaconitine suppressed spinal sensitization in the rat incision model and to discuss the possible mechanism. 153. Only by incision of the perineurium the nerve fibres can be completely decompressed. 154. Conclusion: In the young adults group, to Steadystereotypia the obsolete thighbone neck bone fracture incision replacement treatment, cannot choose this method. 155. It also included 670 radical and 79 palliative operations with 83.7% via thoracoabdominal incision and 89.7% for proximal gastrectomy. 156. The fifth metatarsophalangeal joint is best exposed by a straight or curved dorsal or dorsolateral incision. 157. Make a large anterolateral midaxillary incision in the fifth intercostal space. 158. Conclusions The transaxillary approach for first rib resection is less traumatic, lower in recurrent rate, with concealed incision for treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome. 159. Objective To evaluate the feasibility and effect of the treatment of hematopathy by laparoscopy plus small incision splenectomy. 160. Fig. 1-97 Anterolateral approach to shaft of humerus. A, Skin incision. B, Deltoid and biceps muscles retracted; brachialis muscle incised longitudinally, exposing shaft. 161. Conclusion A lot of complications what caused by retrobulbar anesthesia and peribulbar anesthesia can be avoid with topical anesthesia in small incision non-phacoemulsification cataract surgery. 162. Objective To discuss the application of small incision used in uterectomy under velamen. 163. Pathologically, there was an unclosed eyeball caused by a poorly healed incision with incarceration of uvea tissue, besides the characteristics of SO. 164. ObjectivesTo explore a more suitable pathway after UPPP in order to reduce the cracking of incision suture. 165. Objective To evaluate security and efficacy of topical anesthesia in small incision non-phacoemulisification cataract exaction ad IOL implantation. 166. Conclusions Rotator incision is a safe, simple, efficacious incision technique in the endourethral surgery for urethratresia, and scar electrosectomy is essential for successsful outcome. 167. This paper aims at introducing the design of a type of complex blanking die, a functional combination of blanking with incision mounted on a hydraulic testing machine. 168. Objective : To investigate the feasibility of cricothyroid laryngotomy instead of incision of trachea. 169. Fig 2 Curved incision in the middle portion of the orbital septum. Once appropriate amount of fat is removed, the orbital septum is overlapping sutured. 170. Objective To study the indication and effect of coronal incision for reconstruction of complex midfacial fractures. 171. CONCLUSION:IOL implantation by scleral tunnel incision in aphakic eyes after vitrectomy can improve the visual acuities. 172. Incision begins from the subgluteal plica, along the root of the thigh to the femoral triangle, and then goes laterally to anterior superior iliac spine and the waist.