快好知 kuaihz

31. She dusted behind the books, dusted the books, scoured the cooker and did out the kitchen cupboards. 32. So Rita scoured junk shops for second-hand pieces to fill the rooms. 33. In his systematic, legal way, David scoured each newspaper for an article on the murder. 34. Intruder jets from the aircraft carrier Ranger, and Cobra attack helicopters scoured the area for armed men. 35. He needed blocks to finish some hat bodies and scoured the Yellow Pages for resources. 36. I rotated the nails so that a cheese paring of wax was scoured from the surface of the drum. 36.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 37. The next morning Archer scoured the town in vain for more yellow roses. 38. He caught a towel and, dragging his helmet off, scoured his face and his neck. 39. Lines scoured on flesh in the penal settlement, or detention beyond the Styx. 40. They scoured the countryside for milk, and conjured up their best skill to prepare dainty viands for her little ladyship. 41. It stood, open and scoured, to breathe the air that purified it from any hint of sour milk. 42. Rescue teams scoured the ruins for signs of more victims. 43. The saucepan should be scoured out. 44. Dinah would contract such an immoderate attachment to her scoured tin. 45. She visited book launches and lectures that had free buffets and scoured supermarkets for discounted food close to its sell-by date. 46. Isabella left this situation to rage, and scoured the country for troops, cannon, money, supplies. 47. It is the wildest of the wild, a glacier- scoured terrain unmarred by roads, tugged at by wind, on the shoulder of the Continental Divide. 48. You'll learn how Mary Cassatt painted the lives of wealthy expatriates, while Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec scoured the dives of Montmartre to draw Paris by night. 49. SAN JUAN DE MARCONA, Peru — In its worldwide quest for commodities, China has scoured South America for everything from Brazilian soybeans to Guyanese timber and Venezuelan oil. 50. Milk bottles should be scoured out before being returned to the milkman for refilling. 51. Army teams scoured Europe for scientific experimental apparatus such as pressure chambers, compressors, G-force machines, giant centrifuges , and electron microscopes. 52. All the tins were scoured, and the tables scrubbed snowy white. 53. Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured; waste of human hair. 54. The boulders, he concluded, had been scoured out of the mountains by glaciers that calved into the sea. 55. Go, swift messengers, go to a people tall and smooth-skinned, to a people dreaded near and far, a nation strong and proud, whose land is scoured rivers. 56. Mungo scoured his family's archives, compiling clues and leads to piece together a map to the Roon system. 57. Every day after chores and school, Reuben scoured the town, collecting the hessian nail bags. 58. The torrents scoured out a channel down the hill side. 59. They scoured a quiet neighborhood for a suspected chop shop — that's where the cars are dismantled and sold for parts. 60. The torrent scoured ( out ) a channel ( down the hillside ).