快好知 kuaihz

91. Based on the cause analysis of existent problems of finely-pulverized coal separator in steam-power station, the relevant measures and proposals are provided. 92. The article sets out from academic definition , one by one analysed each genre of theory of existent international plutonomy. 93. This article reviewed chemical property, extract technics, antimicrobial principium , defection, existent question and prospect of protamine. 94. The negative confirmation suit is requesting the court confirmed the disputant legal relationship does not exist or denies some kinds of existent suit. 95. Peeling off the osier by hand takes time and energy extremely, and the existent equipment hasn't achieved perfect effect. 96. The present paper deals with the errors existent in routine datum plane statics under the condition of complex topography as well as the cause for the errors. 97. But androgen receptors were found to be nearly non - existent in the brains of newborn animals. 98. Almost 15 per cent of respondents said their sex life was non - existent. 99. This paper proposes the TBT margin mode for the special line of passenger transportation, discusses the TBT margin route diagram, the viability assessment, the existent risk and the risk proof system. 100. The text introduced work principle and existent disadvantage particular for traditional tepefaction regeneration adsorption type compress air decontamination system. 101. The ascending lumbar vein was not existent, the concept about lumbar veins was not positive. 102. Aim at the existent problem of field imitated training device of the portable ground-to-air missile . 103. This paper gives a brief review on the existent problems in Tangshan marine resource exploitation, such as industry structure illogicality , marine environment breakage, etc. 104. Subsequently, according to the experience of 45 existent SHP in China, the rational scope of a few main effectiveness indicators is proposed. 105. The so-called executive legitimacy implies that the Party in power can lead people to hold the view that the existent political system is a belief state of the social most eligible system. 106. This paper shows that special relativity theory cannot negate that the real motion faster than the speed of light would be existent. 107. An outline is given of the present situation of expansion and existent problems of the potassic fertilizer industry in China. 108. The paper analyzes the existent of the knowledge boundary, discusses the domain of the knowledge boundary by the comparison model between knowledge transfer cost and benefit. 109. The destruction induced by vertical seismic action during earthquake is existent objectively, and universalism. 110. This paper analyzes the possibility of flotation separation automatic monitor and gets the train of thought. It has a worthy value to existent automatic monitor system and future research. 111. This paper discusses existent problem of headwork at Yuelai Irrigation Area in Huachuan County and adoptable measures. 112. By using Taylor's formula, the article deduces the sufficient condition of the existent extreme value and the necessary condition of the inexistent extreme value of trinary function. 113. We should be based on some theories if we want to analyze ethically the existent issues, and in this paper, based on deontology, we will have ethical analysis to the issues which happened by HGP. 114. Halogenated organic compounds are very toxic and anti- degradable due to the existent of halogenated basis. Their biological degradation is focus in a reducing reaction called dehalogenation. 115. This paper introduced multivariate hydrological analysis and estimation methods and the existent problems.