merchandising造句1 The concerts generated £3 million in ticket and merchandising sales.
2 Company executives say revamped merchandising should help Macy's earnings to grow.
3 There was nothing at all relating to merchandising.
4 Look out for the Xmas merchandising: Porky-Man cards.
5 Children are being targeted in a huge merchandising campaign, with worldwide sales possibly topping £1.3 billion.
6 Eddie Ricketts, director of branch merchandising and store planning, replies:.
7 The party has had to bail out its merchandising section, Ecotrade, from party funds, whilst running at a loss.
8 It is also a study in marketing and merchandising genius and uncompromising product control.
9 In the 1980s, he began merchandising his own hair care products.
10 Merchandising business also sell products to customers.
11 Thus , merchandising businesses generally use the accrual basis.
12 Accounting for merchandising businesses and their Financial statements.
13 Decoworld will utilize world class marketing, merchandising and sales techniques to facilitate the movement of products from manufacturers to retailers and the design trade.
14 Genderless merchandising: Try blending navigational pathways via genderless merchandising to help promote social interaction in-store.
15 Medical merchandising enterprises, as a important section of medical industry, connect two links of production and consumption, and play the indispensable role in medical circulation market.
16 Toys and other tie - in movie merchandising grossed a ground total of 9 billion US dollars.
17 We are selling the full range of World Cup merchandising.
18 The club says it will make increasing amounts from merchandising.
19 By 1988, K-Mart and Wal-Mart were both well on their way to surpassing Sears in the world-wide merchandising business.
20 It is also going for a different approach to merchandising in store, for example siting Waistline beside fresh produce.
21 Gate receipts brought in a further £750,000 and a similar figure was produced through merchandising.
22 The empire's goal was simple - to maximise the income Kylie, her records, videos and massive merchandising could earn.
23 When they did, they learned that they were good at buying food and merchandising it in their stores.
24 And she kept going on about how I was being ripped off on the merchandising.
25 But before I do, I wonder if Lawrence has any more of the excellent Denim merchandising.
26 In the past, judges have not assumed that the public have a detailed knowledge of character merchandising.
27 You know you told me Moira thought you were having problems with merchandising rip-offs?
28 A purchase allowance is an adjustment (reduction) in the purchase price thar is made when the merchandising company agrees to keep the goods.
29 For now, low - price retailers are readjusting their merchandising and pricing.
30 Merchandise sales are the principal means of earning revenue in a merchandising firm.