快好知 kuaihz

adequate to造句
1. The old methods weren't adequate to meet current needs. 2. I hope you will prove adequate to the job. 3. The supply is not adequate to the demand. 4. Though a bit too old, he is still adequate to the work. 5. The lunchtime menu is more than adequate to satisfy the biggest appetite. 6. The system is more than adequate to deal with any problems. 7. Is our information service adequate to cope? 8. The safety procedures are adequate to protect public health. 9. The researchers estimated Diatryma's athletic ability as quite adequate to catch most of the contemporary mammals. 10. However, the detailed cross-referencing is usually quite adequate to take care of such problems. 11. The response of Bob Dole was not really adequate to the task, to put it mildly. 12. The rest of the supporting cast ranges from adequate to uncomfortable. 13. Creating a teaching force which is adequate to the rapidly growing system has been another problem. 14. This regime should have been more than adequate to demonstrate any significant short-term effects of reduced sleep. 15. In acute diseases it is generally adequate to look only at the symptoms of the acute disease itself. 16. They do not seem to be adequate to all the convolutions of gendered subjectivities, however. 17. The minerals in a normal diet will be adequate to replace any losses. 18. It is obvious from this that a family's solid wastes will not be adequate to meet their cooking needs. 19. The cardiovascular tests conventionally used for detecting sympathetic autonomic neuropathy may not be adequate to detect a mild, otherwise asymptomatic neuropathy. 20. Your first effort may well look like a rag doll, but this is quite adequate to begin with. 21. Consequently, many governments ignored their responsibilities to build up reserves adequate to meet future obligations. 22. Only if this character is recognised will society be understood in terms that are adequate to its empirical reality. 23. Minimum operating levels are stockpiles of crude and refined products held by refiners that are considered adequate to meet average seasonal demand. 24. As he adds detail he records it simply to his own satisfaction and in a form adequate to his own purposes. 25. The budgetary commission noted that the budget was not adequate to complete the necessary economic restructuring. 26. My deliberate actions are means to ends, and are defended in debate by proving them adequate to the ends. 27. The extreme ultraviolet power was only a few watts, but it was adequate to detect molecular hydrogen. 28. We face the vastly increased traffic projections for the twenty-first century with roads adequate to deal with the conditions of the nineteenth. 29. For the carnivore, however, the football menu is more than adequate to quell your hunger. 30. It was a considerable gamble, for no existing system seemed adequate to the size of the project.