believing造句31. The crowd is heading eastward, believing that they can find gold there.
32. I've stopped believing most of what he says. Isn't that awful?
33. Believing yourself to be in the wrong job can be soul-destroying.
34. I had deluded myself into believing that it would all come right in the end.
35. The government tries to gull the taxpayers into believing that their money is being properly spent.
36. Love songs trick us into believing in knights in shining armor.
37. More and more people are believing in vegetarianism and diet for health.
38. He had reasonable grounds for believing the law had been broken.
39. She persists in the belief/in believing that she is being persecuted.
40. He bamboozled me into believing that he'd lost all his money.
41. Tim was fooled into believing that he'd won a lot of money.
42. If you cry wolf too often, people will stop believing that you need help.
43. They were bluffed into believing we were not ready for the attack.
44. They brainwashed the captured pilot into believing he was a CIA agent.
45. He bluffed me into believing that his coat was made of tiger skin.
46. He deceived us into believing that he could give us moral support.
47. She had gone to work believing Helen was safely tucked up in bed.
48. Millions of readers were snowed into believing it was a true story.
49. It was foolish pride that prevented me from believing her.
50. He had no trouble believing it.
51. If you're still not convinced, seeing is believing.
52. And officialdom shows disturbing signs of believing the flattery.
53. But seeing is believing, as they say.
54. Believing in your Dreams is a powerful magnetic force!
55. The faithful went on believing despite all rational argument.
56. Why does Alice persist in believing she doesn't need any help?
57. He had slowly, and unwillingly, come to feel the necessity of believing in an Absolute.
58. Nervously, they festooned the front serving counter with ribbons not believing, quite, that people would come.
59. The consumer watchdog believes that borrowers are left saddled with massive debt despite believing that they have cleared their loan.
60. When only seeing is believing the unseen reproductive anatomy of the female can not be an article of faith.