choral造句 61. Choral music in the modern sense came into being in the fifteenth century, it was an era of fervent devotion: to the Blessed Virgin, the Mass and the Magnificat. 62. They teach vocal and choral music, marching-band music, orchestral music, and ethnic music forms such as mariachi. 63. The founders of Chinese choral music in the 20 th century were Xiao Youmei and Zhao Yuanren. 64. Mendelssohn was a child prodigy and prolific composer. Almost one - fourth of his works was choral.英文造句international system of unitspelfsoukstigmatiselimnologyphysical geographyidealizedbed linenspatial distributionfrighten offmaneuverablefield of viewGlcoordinate systemsufferanceaddresseeclothierturndownfoolingstrike outrawhideexpendingundideffectorstand tocontrol centervitalizetraumatisegynaecology