快好知 kuaihz

181. Cost is £3.50 a person - or £8 for the family - and the guided tour holds a hidden bonus. 182. In 1994-95, she guided the boys' freshman team at her high school in Lake Oswego, Ore. 183. She was most meticulous in her guided tour, opening every door. 185. For women alone, it is not advisable to go sightseeing at night unless it is with a guided tour of nightspots. 186. The characters are guided by their hearts and natural instincts to truth, right conduct and happiness. 187. It may well have been the presence of a check that guided Mozart's choice. 188. By temperament, Straus was an exact opposite of the slide-rule engineers who had guided the Bureau during its forty-odd years. 189. Punishment by reciprocity is guided by principles of cooperation and equality rather than adult authority and constraint. 190. The tip of this hollow tube is guided up into the internal carotid. 191. Guided by an unlikely visionary named Walt, the artists at Disney did more than create an enduring new art form. 192. He had lost another close companion, another friend, one who had helped and guided him and given him such pleasure. 193. At present, managerial decisions are guided by the quest for economic security. 194. Like Mr Brown, he guided his museum through a period of tremendous growth. 195. He guided the Edmonton Eskimos to five Grey Cup championships. 196. That would help to ensure that political and social tensions were guided through established channels and not forced on to the streets. 197. He rose and guided Spittals towards the low, black sofa in the corner. 198. Its emerging democratic polity and guided market economy are also similar. 199. Abdominal ultrasound imaging showed non-dilated bile ducts, several fluid collections, and guided puncture yielded bile. 200. The free event includes educational tours, guided programs, living history re-enactments and exhibits galore. 201. Government expenditures can reabsorb these resources in the production of guided missiles, military aircraft, and new schools and highways. 202. Henry contrives guided missiles from acid rain test kit and launches attack on manger. 203. Something less than a precision guided missile would do the trick. 204. The previous night, Charles guided Artesia to its second straight state title. 205. Take care that your teaching is not guided by your preferences as a research worker. 206. To what extent is the constable guided by the law as to how he should exercise his discretion? 207. Brendan Tours offers 10-day guided walks that cover from six to 10 miles. 208. The interests which stimulated their innovation and guided their development and use were primarily those of political administration rather than the strictly academic. 209. In general, desperation guided treatment of the deranged. 210. CT guided needle biopsy settle on qualitative diagnosis.