快好知 kuaihz

1. The kids were kept in the small corral. 2. They drove the ponies into a corral. 3. After lunch we gather at the corral. 4. We could corral them into one big mass of frightened bugs. 5. Corral gunfight in Tombstone, Arizona, lasted a minute, and has lived in legend since 1881. 6. That night he slept in the corral beside the horse. 7. He built a corral in a hollow across the river and made two small ponies from mud. 8. We stood around the corral watching a cowboy saddle the horse. 9. Tallis went to the makeshift corral and let the animal out, stroking her bruised face, patting her flanks. 10. Workers corral the geese into trucks and ship them off to the slaughterhouse. 11. The ranch house, corral and outbuildings have been restored and contain exhibits, photographs and period furniture. 12. They had to step outside and corral six other men to help before they could position it tastefully in the showroom. 13. His attempts to corral the tourist trade at the Falls had failed. 14. Instead, the government used the block as a corral for an Army camp set up a few blocks away. 15. But outside the corral stood a fine sorrel with a white blaze across his face. 16. We went to the corral and caught and saddled the horses. 16.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 17. Empty saddles in the old corral My tears would be dry tonight. 18. At night he carefully closed the corral and went home. 19. Golden Corral has slightly better steaks and a more expansive selection of food. 20. The greenhorns headed out to the corral for their first ride. 21. It was more like the gunfight at the OK Corral than a football game. 22. The words spoke truth; shivered up and down inside her, earthing right down to the OK Corral. 23. He took special care of the remaining one, and often slept with it in the corral. 24. The signs of depopulation are all around: the remains of a school, a corral and houses just down the valley. 25. About every third property boasted a brand-new chain link fence, erected to corral Cod knows what kind of beast. 26. Mazelike rabbit hutches made their appearance in the patio or corral of many a Volunteer residence. 27. Victory or no, the Colorado River was a rampant horse in a balsa corral. 28. Guns come out from under the suede coats as fast as at the OK Corral. 29. But high land costs prompted federal officials to buy the Army another corral site and to build on F Street. 30. Steve Jobs was convinced that Macintosh was the final showdown at the Computer Corral.