快好知 kuaihz

never so造句
1. Home is home, though never so homely. 2. Home is home, though (it be) never so homely. 3. Home is home, be it never so homely. 4. He never so much as smiled . 5. He never so much as said " Thanks ". 6. Until this evening I had never so much as exchanged a word with him. 7. I do everything for him, and he's never so much as made me a cup of coffee. 8. He never so much as twitched. 9. His hold over swimming was never so strong. 10. Things were never so simple and clear again. 11. Naturally he had never so much as whispered this phrase to a living soul. 12. And a cuppa is never so welcome as at a rest stop enroute. 13. The Gods are never so dangerous as when they wake from sleep. 14. It was uncanny and Maggie was never so glad to see the light from her own room and get Ana back indoors. 15. Fen had seen her angry before, but never so angry that she had lashed out physically as well as verbally. 16. She was never so happy as when she was mingling with neighbors and playing politics. 17. What these qualities were Furse was never so vulgar or incautious as to define. 18. Knowing when to phone in sick was never so easy. 19. They passed a hundred yards away and never so much as changed course to take a closer look. 20. She said she had never so much felt its presence, its immediacy, as lately. 21. Tesla was told firmly that he must never so much as mention the subject of alternating current. 22. I was never so thankful to see a friendly face. 23. Clarisa had never so much as dusted his butt with baby powder. 24. She never so much as spoke. 25. I'd never so much as sewn a pot holder. 26. He never so much as spoke. 27. The rosebush was never so flowery before. 28. She never so much as said " Thanks ". 29. He spoke never so much as a word. 30. There will obviously be a considerable overlap of requirements for these categories of musician - real life is never so simple.