快好知 kuaihz

61) At Elstree a quite famous actress got in, and cooed a bit to Heather until we got to London. 62) Heather Murray was born 7 weeks ago with a heart condition and has spent most of her young life in hospital. 63) We carried on walking northwards following sheep tracks through the heather and rock outcrops. 64) Heather played the pacifist role, pointing out that despite all the litter and dead sheep it was quite a nice campsite. 65) And I welcome the hint of wildness which the brown heather spilling over their brow brings to my tame lowland domain. 66) Billy's short legs kept getting tangled in the heather, so he bounced along like a kangaroo through the springy tufts. 67) There was no way Miss Poole or Heather could make the lunches and teas compulsory for the girls. 68) At all events, when I mentioned it to Heather, she asked me to repeat the name of the restaurant. 69) The other residents were two friends, Marjorie and Heather, and a girl with the lyrical name of Charmian Romanis. 70) One thing you might have noticed, though, is that there is only Heather who actually wants to sit next to Gowie. 71) Heather turned it slightly and saw that he was fast asleep. 72) The resulting rank heather is a severe fire hazard in areas attracting tourists. 73) We turned left on to it, through an undulating sea of purple heather up to Golden Heights. 74) And it passes through more unusual heather covered terrain, giving an added contrast to the walk. 75) Months later, Heather freed the slaves and sold the plantation. 76) As the cut tresses lay scattered on the floor by the chair, Heather scrutinized the effect in the mirror. 77) The heather would have kept the bees going throughout the winter. 78) Heather Boxer says she makes them do the washing up and she enjoys their company. 79) And each time, Heather had asked a testing question to find out if the insult was intended. 80) Heather lay 011 her bunk and puked into the pail. 81) To Heather, she seemed delicate looking, poised with her hands loosely clasped in front. 82) After the song, Heather used the little inspirational talk to slander Miss Poole. 83) The surrounding area is very beautiful with gentle hills, waterfalls and purple heather. 84) These colourful yarns, known as heather effects, are already popular and the demand is expected to increase. 85) I bought some lucky white heather and a silver horseshoe from a little girl in jeans and a grubby tee shirt. 86) They avoided talking about Miss Poole or Heather and dreaded going to the weekly dinner parties. 87) The barbarian had vaulted down into the heather and had drawn the black sword, Kring. 88) As Heather descended the hill Rufus awoke, barking and slavering ill the back scat. 89) Heather from flours and dried fruits was standing in the gap between two aisles. 90) Heather Wilkinson employs a lot of workers and not only waitresses.