快好知 kuaihz

1. These charges are particularly burdensome for poor parents. 2. The new regulations will be burdensome for small businesses. 3. I am sorry your life is so burdensome, I only wish I could help in some way. 4. Oh, the service here is less burdensome than girls expect. 5. He seems to be ready for the more burdensome necessities of the job. 6. Advocates argue that the absence of burdensome regulatory restrictions would stimulate new business activity. 7. Many of the burdensome covenants inserted in the former kind of lease will be wholly inappropriate to the latter. 8. Burdensome as royal taxation was during the war, the clergy were mercifully free of papal taxation except on two occasions. 9. It's really burdensome to have many children. 10. In practice, the APA obligation is not burdensome. 11. Should EU regulation get burdensome, there is always the chance of opt - outs. 11. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 12. Chronic diseases are becoming deadlier and more burdensome to the poor. 13. The work was burdensome. 14. He advanced the thesis that too much choice was burdensome to people. 15. The Commission thinks this would would present businessmen with new paperwork perhaps more burdensome than border checks themselves. 16. On the Rebound Since caffeine is relatively inexpensive and widely available, the dose escalation induced by tolerance is seldom burdensome. 17. The tests for the bacteria in the lunch were burdensome and-you got it-not scientific. 18. Some employers have said that they believe that a requirement to review the check-off annually would be unnecessary and burdensome. 19. The need for prudence was not what they found most burdensome, however. 20. He said the Treasury is trying to achieve its ends in the least burdensome way possible. 21. One thing is certain: Moscow will have a say as to whether the burdensome Lukashenko stays in power. 22. His next exploit was to fight and conquer the Minyans, who had been exacting a burdensome tribute from the Thebans. 23. The proposed Regulatory Reform Bill will also enable us to do away more easily with outdated, burdensome and overlapping regulation. 24. For you remember, brothers, our labor and travail: While working night and day so as not to be burdensome to any of you, we proclaimed to you the gospel of God. 25. This month brings relief to a long-term and possibly burdensome situation involving your residence, other real estate, or the care of an elderly parent. 26. In the hardware field, CPLD is entitled for system logical control; Serial communication derived from UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) frees the DSP of burdensome control. 27. Besides, the Court said, defending the suit wouldn't be unduly burdensome or time - consuming for me. 28. But is there anyone willing to take over such a burdensome street stall as this? 29. It was Simon's heart that now took on the qualities of stone: cold, heavy, and burdensome. 30. Even a young country such as America, with no burdensome traditions from the past, could not rid the south of slavery without pressure from the northern cities.