conceived造句1. God is often conceived of as male.
2. The plan was brilliantly conceived.
3. He conceived a new plan very quickly.
4. The baby was conceived in February and born in November.
5. He conceived the idea of transforming the old power station into an arts centre.
6. Elvis conceived of himself as a ballad singer.
7. The course is very broadly conceived .
8. The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water.
9. Their first child was conceived on their wedding night.
10. Both children were conceived by donor insemination .
11. Do you know exactly when you conceived?
12. I conceived that there must be some difficulties.
13. She has conceived at last.
14. The woman conceived a child.
15. The dam project was originally conceived in 1977.
16. The exhibition was conceived by the museum's director.
17. His speech was conceived in simple language.
18. He conceived of the first truly portable computer in 1968.
19. The baby was conceived in March, so will be born in December.
20. He conceived the plot for this film while he was still a student.
21. The child was conceived on the night of their wedding.
22. In ancient times the world was conceived of as flat.
23. Scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930's.
24. Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and space represents a note in this scale.
25. It was then that I conceived the notion of running away.
26. Their first child was conceived in January and born in October.
27. Language may be conceived of as a process which arises from social interaction.
28. She had conceived the idea of a series of novels.
29. All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.Friedrich Nietzsche
30. She could not refuse him; and conceived again.