commercially造句31) Boulton realised that if Watt's engines were to be exploited commercially the patent would have to be extended.
32) Your competitors may have access to the company intranet, so never discuss commercially sensitive issues on-line.
33) How would commercially sensitive information of one company be protected?
34) Throughout the century, the quantity of apparatus commercially available greatly increased.
35) The hon. Member for Sedgefield questioned the commercially sensitive nature of the provision.
36) As a result, commercially farmed rabbits are available, both for meat and hair; the angora is an example.
37) Gin was, after all, commercially produced and consumed only by the lower orders.
38) This was the first commercially successful steam engine and was used for pumping water out of a mine.
39) This has brought them into conflict with the fishing industry as the harvesting of abalone is commercially important.
39) Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
40) Initially, Hofmann was very hostile to Perkin's intention to leave academic research to exploit his discovery commercially.
41) They warned that commercially available encryption software would be easily overcome by intelligence services.
42) It is the speed and the extra space that make the Squirrel commercially attractive.
43) The company's films were increasingly expensive, but less and less commercially successful.
44) New World archaeological projects now routinely use the commercially available and cost-effective black-and-white aerial photographs.
45) There is a tendency to start on the second stage of commercially produced baby foods at this point.
46) He came from a prosperous or at least commercially successful Lincolnshire family which emigrated to Massachusetts in 1633 and 1634.
47) Enzyme immunoassays are commercially available for detecting antibody to hepatitis C virus.
48) This intervention was seen as a way of minimizing the harmful and the more undesirable side-effects of commercially funded media.
49) As a result of the agreement the defendants secured their position commercially.
50) Currently, subsidies that were envisaged as a way of protecting farmers in poor areas are being commercially exploited by wealthy landowners.
51) It stumbled commercially, reaching only No. 28, as opposed to the No. 2 peak of the first album.
52) Additionally, the bibliographic records owned by both Libraries are in themselves commercially valuable.
53) The problem is virtually eliminated in commercially grown mussels, by harvesting them before they are five years old.
54) Cash crops can also, of course, be commercially very lucrative, but only when they are acceptable on the world market.
55) The process is used commercially to obtain drinkable water from sea water.
56) Certainly there are commercially available recognition units which can be plugged into home computers but they are very unsophisticated.
57) Given the limited scale of release in Britain, the results were encouraging rather than commercially viable.
58) Proteolytic enzymes can also be applied to, or injected into, cuts commercially.
59) Newcomen must have done various experiments before he erected this first commercially successful engine, but we have no record of these.
60) Had only one been wrong, it might indeed have suffered commercially.